180. Styling

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To fully enjoy such a rare holiday, Qi Le’an completely indulged himself and made love with Wei Changfeng in bed. In the end, they were so hungry that they had to get out of bed for food.

At the moment, Qi Le’an was lying lazily on the sofa while Wei Changfeng was cooking pork and vegetable porridge.

“I am really mad at the idea of going back to work the day after tomorrow,” Qi Le’an said helplessly.

In the past, he had looked forward to going to work in Hollywood. However, he didn’t expect that it was so tiring that he might almost lose life in it.

No wonder those famous movie stars acted only in one or two movies a year. It was because the working load of starring in a movie was so heavy.

Wei Changfeng did massage for Qi Le’an on the waist. He replied smilingly, “Have you finished with the shooting of the movie?”

Qi Le’an nodded. He pondered on the progress of their work and then he told Wei Changfeng, “My part should be over in a month, but it’s hard to say when Emma can….”

According to Damien’s personality, he guessed she could go on working for two more months.

“Or is it possible that after the filming of this part was over, he is going to give them up and ask to start from the beginning again?” Qi Le’an murmured. He shivered and then went on, “If that happens, I’m going to resign from the crew.”

He now finally understood why Damien would offer him the money so easily. To him, this was like paying money for his life!

Wei Changfeng tried to comfort him, “No, he won’t do that. I’ve noticed that Tresse has already started preparing for the new movie’s promotions.”

“So early?” Qi Le’an was surprised.

Wei Changfeng answered, “Probably they are just doing some warming up for the promotion?”

Qi Le’an thought about it and agreed. Now that the film was not finished yet, there was no big deal to show to the public.

However, he thought of another question,

“What news will they show for the warming up then?”

Wei Changfeng speculated, “Asian? Chinese?”

Qi Le’an widened his eyes and asked, “Is it possible? Will this be a kind of disclosure?”

Wei Changfeng didn’t know whether to be happy or worried when thinking of this, so he sighed, “Le’an, it’s hard for colored races to enter Hollywood… so this can be a gimmick.”

Qi Le’an was silent. He knew that after the news was announced, he would receive half honor and half doubts from all the comments.

After all, the female lead of “Lala Land” was Emma, the goddess. If it had been two years ago, Qi Le’an would have lacked the confidence to act in the same movie with her.

Wei Changfeng touched Qi Le’an on the head, “But don’t worry. Tresse never goes the wrong way in promoting films.”

Qi Le’an got up from the sofa and smiled, “Isn’t it said that the more trolls against the movie, the more popular the movie will be? I’m not afraid of it! But they must inform me when they start promoting the movie, right?”

Wei Changfeng answered, “Sure, they will.”

However, Qi Le’an didn’t expect that the two of them had just discussed this at noon when he would receive such a call from Tresse in the afternoon.

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