164. The Truth

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Qi Le’an didn’t know that Wei Changfeng was faced with an important choice in his life. After having the promise of Jenny, he continued to practice the opera attentively. He spent the whole morning practicing and didn’t get out of the training room until lunchtime.

At noon, the theatre group members would have a two hours’ break. Those who lived near would go back home for a rest while those who didn’t go home would just stay. Qi Le’an fought with Wei Changfeng last night and Wei Changfeng also didn’t reply to his text message this morning. Hence, he decided not to go home.

Besides, he had to wait for Robert to apologize to him the moment Robert arrived!

The group members could have a meal subsidy. At noon, those who got along well would go out for lunch together. Qi Le’an had lunch with Jenny outside yesterday noon but today, he didn’t find her.

After thinking about it carefully, Jenny didn’t say she wanted to eat with him today, so Qi Le’an just shrugged and went to Subway at the entrance to buy a simple meal.

After finishing lunch, he had a walk outside. Holding a bottle of cold water, he watched the street performers singing. Afterward, when it was getting hotter, so he returned to the theater group.

When everybody started to practice in the afternoon, Qi Le’an was still patiently waiting for Robert’s apology.

But reality gave him a hard slap. Robert didn’t come to apologize to him this afternoon and worse still, Jenny was gone too.

At first, Qi Le’an thought Jenny must be occupied, so he just went on rehearsing with the other members with a smile. When the rehearsal was almost over this afternoon, he finally couldn’t refrain from texting Jenny but he didn’t get any reply even after he got home.

She just disappeared for no reason, making Qi Le’an feel suspicious.

However, he was too stubborn to tell Wei Changfeng about it.

Wei Changfeng also had a lot of things in his mind. He wanted to discuss them with Qi Le’an when the latter returned home. However, upon seeing that Qi Le’an didn’t look happy, he just bit his tongue.

As usual, Wei Changfeng cooked the meal. The two of them finished their meal silently and Qi Le’an went back to the bedroom with his laptop.

Wei Changfeng sat outside and stared at the leftovers on the table in a trance.

Although Wei Changfeng went back to the bedroom that night, Qi Le’an had already fallen asleep. Wei Changfeng could only close his eyes and sleep then.

The next morning, Qi Le’an still left without saying anything. Wei Changfeng was woken up by the door banging sound. When he picked up the phone and saw the text message from Professor John, he instantly felt everything was so messy.

Qi Le’an hurriedly ran to the theater group simply to meet Jenny and Robert.

However, he didn’t meet Robert but saw Jenny who looked in a hurry.

Upon meeting Qi Le’an, Jenny hugged Qi Le’an and said, “Le’an! I’m sorry. Yesterday, I needed to go back home to handle some urgent stuff and I also left my phone here. I didn’t see your message until today.”

Qi Le’an felt better when Jenny said so! It looked like Jenny didn’t disappear for no reason!

“I was in a hurry yesterday and I didn’t see Robert either. How about this? This morning, you just finish your rehearsal first and I will make him apologize to you in the afternoon!” Jenny said with determination.

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