75. Barking

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Wei Chang Feng and Qi Le An did not agree on a specific time, he just told An to call him when he woke up. But how could Qi Le An even sleep a wink knowing he was going to spend time alone with bun like Wei Chang Feng the next day?

He tossed and turned until eight o’clock, a time he thought might be proper for him to send Wei Chang Feng the first message.

“Wei Sama! I am ready!”

Wei Chang Feng replied quickly.

“So early? Then let’s meet at nine o’clock in the shop”

Seeing that Wei Chang Feng sending an emoji, Qi Le An was wild with joy! He tidied up his hairstyle in the mirror, then put on his cap, checked the two tickets in his pocket grabbed his phone, and left the hotel.

Qi Le An sent the map to his phone yesterday. Before he left, he even read it a few times to not get lost. However, after walking for more than ten minutes, Qi Le An felt that something was wrong. He went out with a mask and a cap so no one recognized him along the way, but if he studied the map on his phone, people might stare at him and recognize him.

Qi Le An was sweating a bit, he took a deep breath and walked into a quiet alley, and quickly looked at the map.

But he couldn’t see anything helpful on the miniature version of the map. He quickly opened a webpage instead, and everything was so slow that the page was still loading after a while.

A passerby looked at Qi Le An with a suspicious look, ‘This man looks so stealthy, he wears a hat and a mask in an alley like this, I wonder what he is up to… …’

Qi Le An, “…”

He put his phone away and pretended that nothing had happened.

Qi Le An was completely lost. At nine o’clock, Wei Chang Feng, who still hadn’t seen Qi Le An, called. Qi Le An felt so sorry and frustrated at the same time, he had to confess the fact that he was lost, Wei Chang Feng chuckled, he asked Qi Le An if there were any signs around him.

Qi Le An could only stand on the street and read the road signs out loud.

Luckily, no one had recognized him thanks to the cap and the mask, it would be awkward otherwise.

Wei Chang Feng arrived in less than five minutes. The driver was still Gary. Qi Le An was terribly sorry, “Actually, the hotel is very close… It’s all my fault. I have no sense of direction, Wei Sama and Gary, thank you so much for picking me up.”

Wei Chang Feng said gently, “No, it’s okay, you are not here, I should have picked you up. Are you hungry? I’ve brought something for you.”

Wei Chang Feng handed over a paper bag.

It was a croissant. Qi Le An’s heart melted when he opened the bag, Wei Chang Feng remembered it, ‘he remembers that I like croissants, he cares about me so much.’

There was no one in the mall in the morning, and Wei Chang Feng shop opened around midday. Gary excused himself with work and took a seat at the entrance of the shop, while Wei Chang Feng went to the kitchen and served Qi Le An a plate of assorted pastry.

Qi Le An was attracted by the red velvet immediately, the deep maroon color just looked so amazing with the color of the cream. Wei Chang Feng used an exquisite cutting knife and served him a piece of red velvet cake.

“I just made it in the morning, hope you like it,” Wei Chang Feng said with a smile, “Have a taste!”

Qi Le An just exclaimed a thousand times I his heart that how come there was such a perfect man in this world! ‘Wei Sama, how I wish I could elope with you, let’s run to a place where’s just us two, I don’t want to share you with anyone!’

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