October 5, 2013

1.9K 44 7

A/N: Finally carved pumpkins with my family. My sister is doing her Dream SMP people (I don't really get it, but they seem pretty alright) and I did the Bates' Motel. From 1960. The edges are a little rough, but it looks good enough. My dad made a sad alien, and my mom made a smile. Per usual, the dogs ate everything that the vacuum. 

The McCalester's only had one child; a son. He was pretty good-looking. Late twenties, long hair, bright eyes. The McCalester's were wealthy, and he was the sole beneficiary. Jesse McCalester was a very nice man. With the money he inherited, which was close to seventy thousand dollars, he was able to plan a funeral very quickly. It was due to be the next day when the plans were arrange, but the next felt like it came too quickly. 

"Thank you for coming, I appreciate it." Jesse shook Aunt A/N and Uncle U/N's hands before shaking yours. "As much as it pains me to say it, thank you for bursting in. I wasn't supposed to visit for another month, and I don't know what I'd do if I found them dead." 

You grimaced and looked away from Jesse. You knew who was really to thank, and you hated it. Michael wanted you to find the McCalester's. Not the police; not the F.B.I, not Sam, not Jesse. You. Jesse came over once a month, and his visit had been several days prior to the discovery of the corpses. 

Michael was probably here. Or, at least, watching from a distance. Maybe he had altered his appearance, and he was sitting down by himself. There we several men sitting by themselves, and two of them had blond hair. 

As the four of you walked away from Jesse, Sam lowered his head down to your level. "He lost his younger brother some years ago on Halloween. He's got no family left now."

"Really? Nobody? Wife? Kids? Anybody?" You whispered, taking a seat some rows into seating selection. 

"Nobody. Here comes Father Cobain."

"Welcome. We gather here this after evening with the desire to say goodbye to Beth McCalester and Raymond McCalester. When we lose a loved one, there is grief, there is sorrow, and there is sadness. However, there is also..."

"So, this evening, the family wants you to celebrate S/S (Sister's name), M/N (Mom's name) and F/N (Father's Name), and the family wants you to cherish the memories you have of them. To me, M/N and F/N were a lovely couple, with two lovely children, S/N and Y/N. One of which shall join us here today. Let us have a moment of silence for the family we lost, and to say our individual prayers." 


"I'd like to invite the eldest and surviving daughter, Y/N L/N, up to say a few words about her family now." 

You walked up the isle, wiping the tears from your cheeks only for twice the removed amount to fall again. 

"...I'm not really sure what I'm supposed  to say. I, uh, I argued with my parents right before they died. S/N begged me to make up with them, but I was too angry. She got so preoccupied with her doll, and... and... I'm sorry. I have to go. I'm sorry." 

You ran from the service, and up into the cathedral, earning dozens of pitiful looks. 

"Shouldn't you be out at the funeral?" Sister Mary Clarence asked grabbing your arm gently as you entered the cathedral. 

A/N: I'm sorry, I can't think of any other names of nuns that aren't from Sister Act and the Holy Roman Empire.

"I can't do it. I can't." You sobbed. 

Mary Clarence guided you to the pews and placed a hand on your shoulder. "Collect yourself for a moment, and maybe drink some water. Then, go out, maybe just sit, and finish the ceremony." 

She left you at that. A sobbing, shaking mess of a teenager, on a pew, during her parents' and younger sisters' funeral service. A teenaged orphan who couldn't even attend a funeral service for her family. 

"Y/N? Are you there? The service is over." Uncle U/N snapped his fingers in front of your face, went sent you back to the present and away from the other funeral. 

"Yeah, I'm here. I was just... thinking." You stood, ignoring the concerned looks from the adults of the party. 

There wasn't really an post-funeral gathering, as it was late. Many of the guests were elderly, and therefore required their sleep. 

"Thank you for coming." Jesse thanked, fastening his leather jacket around himself. "I didn't see this day coming for... oh, ten more years." 

"You never really see it coming. One minute, you're sitting with your family, and the next, there is no more family. Just you." You mumbled. 

"Excuse me?" 

"I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry." You quickly replied, opening the car door. 

"No, no. I wanna hear it." Jesse grabbed your arm, halting the process of getting in the car. 

"Come on. Let's warm up the car. This is a private conversation." Sam got into the back of the car, and slowly, so did Aunt A/N and Uncle U/N. 

"What did you mean, 'You never really see it coming?'" He asked. 

"My parents are dead, too." 

"Is that what you were thinking about? You looked kind of dead during the service." 

"Yeah. I starting thinking about my family's' funeral. Three graves, and I couldn't do it." 


"I lost my sister, too. Everyone except me was hurt." 

"I'm sorry. I lost my younger brother about five years ago on Halloween. That Myers' guy got to him before anybody could help him." 

You pulled a small napkin and pen from your pocket and wrote down your number. 

"Call me. I need to talk to you about something, but I can't do it here. Not now. Tomorrow afternoon. There's something you should now." 

"Why can't I know now?"

"It's not safe out here." 

"Why not? What do you mean?" 

"...I think he's here." 

I'm Your BoogeymanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora