October 26, 2013

449 12 4

A/N: I was told that I get to crash girls night soon, and I could not be more ecstatic. Me, being a transgender guy (who doesn't have that many friends, mostly family friends that I don't know too well), having never had a girls night, or guys night, for that matter, is thrilled. I haven't been this excited since we went to see the Green Day concert. 

By the time you had finished going through everything with Sherriff Morgan, Michael had dropped A/N off at the station, and she was more than confused. Deputy Willy had tried to keep her from running into the room, but she escaped his grasp and burst in. It was still early, maybe about six in the morning, which was too early for the volume that everyone in town was about to here. 

"Y/N M/N L/N, I demand to know who that man was and why I need to be here!" She shouted. "Why did he need to tie up your uncle? TELL ME RIGHT NOW!" 

Sherriff Morgan winced, and stood up. 

"Mrs. G/L/N, please, have a seat. We'll explain everything to you, as long as you promise to stop shouting." He pulled out his chair for her, and she reluctantly sat down. 

Sherriff Morgan offered to get her something, but all she wanted was answers. 

You went through your story again, and as you went on, A/N seemed to get paler and paler. By seven A.M, she looked like a ghost. 

"Are you alright, Mrs. G/L/N?" Sam asked. 

"I'm gonna-" She began to retch, and Sherriff Morgan retrieved the trash can just in time for her last meal to come up. 

"How did you find all this?" She gasped after she finished. 

Neither you nor Sam spoke up, and Sherriff Morgan took his cue to fill it in. "The agents printed out everything, just to see if they could track your husband down, or see if there was any place from his past that he might go." 

You and Sam both (silently) thanked Sherriff Morgan. 

"Mrs. G/L/N, why don't you go clean yourself up, okay? The bathroom is at the end of the hall and to the right." Sherriff Morgan opened the door for her, and she left briskly. 

As soon as the door was shut, Sherriff Morgan leaned his arms on the table, and began to talk. 

"I don't know where you got this information, and I don't wanna know. All I need to know is, who dropped off your Aunt, kid?" 

"An old colleague of mine. I don't remember his full name, John something-or-other, but he was happy to help us out." Sam lied.

"Uh hu. And, was he told to tie up Mr. G/L/N?" 

"No. He was always a little extra, I remember." 

"So, if we go and find Mr. G/L/N, and test whatever he's tied up with for prints, will we find any?" 

"Probably not; he ride a motorcycle, and has leather gloves that. He never takes them off." 

Sherriff Morgan sighed. "Jesus, you're killing me."

A/N came back in, but didn't sit. "Excuse me? Can we go get my husband?" 

"Yes, ma'am. But, you won't be able to see him. We have probable reason to hold him, and things that we could charge him on with one search to confirm. Is there somewhere we can take you while we deal with everything?" Sherriff Morgan asked.

"No, I'd like to go home." 

"Ma'am, I can't let you stay there. It is, technically, a crime scene. Where can we take you?" 

A/N sighed a sad sigh, and for the first time, you felt bad for her. 

"Could you take me to the church?" 

"Of course, ma'am. I'll have Officer Rossi drop you off. Could I have you wait in the front room for a minute while I clear something up here?" 

She nodded and left again. 

"I'll need you two to stay here. Kid, we need all this evidence. Is that okay?" He asked. 

You nodded. "I've got some other things in my backpack, but it should be fine. Do you mind if I take Cooper out to the bathroom?" 

"Take Deputy Willy with you. And Sam... well, I don't know what to do with you. I don't think that this John exists, but I can't prove it. You wouldn't lie about it, would you?" 

"No, Sherriff. Hand me a bible and I'll swear on it." 

"There's no need." Sherriff Morgan sighed and sipped his coffee. "Jesus, I don't know what to do. This is weird. I don't like it. Kid, are you sure about this? What happens if you're right?" 

"It doesn't matter if I'm right. Point is, I am not supposed to be living with them. Somebody needs to find my dad's friend. Please." You began to feel upset suddenly, and felt like crying. "I'm going to take Cooper now. Excuse me." 

You stood and walked past Sherriff Morgan, wiping your eyes once he could no longer see you. 

"Deputy Willy? Sherriff Morgan wants you to stay with me while I take Cooper out." 

Deputy Willy, who was talking with a brightly-dressed woman with a laptop in her hands. "Oh, hang on. Agent Garcia, excuse me for a minute? Let me know what you find." 

She nodded and sat down at an open desk, and began to type away. 

"We're trying to find this D/B/F/N, just so you know. That woman I was talking to was the Tech Analyst for the F.B.I. She feels for you. Her parent's died, too." He opened the door for you, and stepped out behind you. 

"How does she manage?" You sniffed. 

"I don't know. I lost my dad when I was fifteen, and I still have hard times, but it eventually gets better." He patted you on the back, and Cooper finally began to squat down. 

"Uh, excuse me, Deputy?" Agent Garcia burst through the door, an excited smile plastered on her face. "I found him." 

The two of you quickly went back inside (slightly upsetting Cooper, who seemingly wasn't finished yet), you slightly faster than Deputy Willy. You were practically stepping on Garcia's heels. 

"Look, that's D/B/F/N. Do you recognize him?" Garcia showed you her laptop, and you didn't. 

"Oh. Well, should I call him? He doesn't live too far, only about two hours away." Garcia offered, pulling up what seemed to be a property license. "He lives on a farm, and owns a lot of land. It looks like he's been looking for you, too." 

She pulled up a Facebook post that said, "I was supposed to have my late best friend's daughter in my car nearly a month ago, and I have not seen her not heard anything about her. All I've had is an AMBER alert. Please, if anyone sees her, message me and help me. Her name is Y/N L/N, and she's Y/A (your age)", and below the text was a picture of you. 

You smiled genuinely for the first time in a long time, knowing who you were supposed to be with. 

And so did the figure listening through the open window outside. 

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