October 10, 2013

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A/N: I am very stressed out with school. Between learning Latin, Algebra, a stupid amount of tests, and extra-curricular activities, I am barely finding time to just sit down for an hour and read Salem's Lot. So, I apologize for the slow in chapters. I'm not losing interest, I'm just losing time.

Several hours past. By that time, you had showered (the pressure was just fine) and changed into a clean set of clothing. You had seen Sam walk by, and stare sadly up at the building. You waved to him, trying to get his attention, but he didn't see you. He just kept watching the building.

A knock came at the door. It was James and Hoffman.

"Hello, Ms. Y/N. James has told me that you've had quite the day, today, yes?" Hoffman entered the room and looked at your desk. "J.K Rowling, a fine choice."

Apparently, you had grabbed a book by J.K Rowling. Okay, cool. So, what did this bozo want.

"Can I do something for you?" You asked.

"No, actually. I came to tell you something, with James here as my companion. I've got several things to tell you. First, Terry is being reprimanded. He's been demoted to desk check-in." Hoffman sat down on your desk chair, and James sat down on the windowsill. "Secondly, I came to inquire about your test results."

Oh, boy. Here comes the argument.

"I don't know how you managed to come up clean. It is procedure to write to the family of the patient and suggest release. So, that's what I'll due. We don't control if you will be released, but most people do follow the advice. That's all."

Hoffman stood and paused in the doorway. "Are you coming, James?"

"Yes, I just want to talk to Y/N first."

Hoffman continued his leave, and as soon as the door was shut, James' expression went from resting face to 'Oh my God, did Prentiss just die?'.

"You aren't safe here."

"No, really? Where's your proof?" You facetiously asked.

"I saw Michael Myers outside. You were sent here because your aunt and uncle thought that the whole Michael Myers thing was destroying your psyche. I saw no signs of that in my tests. That being said, he knows where you are."

Silence. You avoided eye contact, because you knew that Michael was here for you.

"What are you hiding?"

"Nothing. I just-- I don't know how to react."

I'm going to call major cap on that statement. You knew exactly how to react (it's called be absolutely horrified) and you were hiding something. You were hiding the fact that Michael might commit a mass murder at a hospital. This hospital.

"Okay, well, when you're ready to tell me, you know where my office is. Yeah, I can tell you're lying." James sighed, leaving.

So, you had been busted in a lie, and now Michael was here. Lovely. Plus, you had upset James. You liked James, and did not want him to be upset.

"James!" You exclaimed. "James, I'll tell you!"

James came back into the room a mere second after shutting the door. "Great. Spill it."

"It's kind of a long story."

"We've got time."


After you finished explaining everything in detail--from the hair on the sheet to the letter-- James was silent.

"I'm going to re-run those tests tomorrow." He sighed, and stood. "Why would you lie about-"

"I'm not lying! James, please! James, I'm not-" James shut the door. "...Lying."

Why did nobody ever believe you about Michael? It was getting seriously annoying. You never lied about Michael. If somebody asked you what he smelled like, you'd say sweat, gasoline, blood, and disappointment. Because you wouldn't lie about him. That was the truth.

Now, you were equally upset as James. You had been accused of lying (which you could never do in this situation), James had said he would rerun the tests (which needed no rerunning), and you had lowered your chances of getting out of here (by a factor of at least twelve).

A/N: I can't lie to save my life, and I'm going to assume that you're better at it than I am. That's why I didn't say you couldn't lie. If I put myself in the story, I would've said, 'I couldn't lie to save my life...'. I'll shut up now.

You laid down on your bed and closed your eyes, willing tears not to come out. You had shed enough fake ones today, why shed real ones? There seemed to be no point to that, among other things. There seemed to be no point to trying to prove your sanity. There seemed to be no point to fighting your placement here. There seemed to be no point to trying anymore.


You must have dozed off, because the next thing you knew, the room was dark and there was something tapping at the window. It was just the rain. You stood up and rubbed your eyes, willing them to adjust to the dark.

Once they did, you walked over to the window and squinted. Yes, your eyes had adjusted, but your reflection in the window made it hard to see it. In what appeared to be frustration, the figure banged his head against the window. In a perfectly-timed flash of lighting, you saw the face of the figure.

Pale, white, emotionless.

You jumped back in shock. While Michael was busy trying to rip the window off of the building, you were busy trying to think of how in God's name he was up on your window, that was several stories off the ground.

Michael easily got the window off and stepped into your room. He had to bend down slightly due to his height. He stared at you for a moment, and you stared right back.

"Can I help you?"

He nodded.

"What can I do?"

Michael pulled a pad and paper from the side pocket of his jumpsuit.

"Easier to communicate this way."

"So... you came here to tell me that you can talk to people easier. Cool, I guess." You slowly said.

"I have a message for you. From family. They don't know I heard."

"Well, what did they say?"

"They want to move away. Just them."

"...They want... to leave... without me?"

Michael nodded.

"Can I ask you something?"

Another nod.

"What exactly were you going to do on the twelfth?"

"Mass murder. Arson. The usual."

"Do me a favor. Do it a day early. I'm getting out of here."

"Or, I could just take you out of here. I took away your window, remember?"

"Don't you prefer murder?"

"Yes. But, it would be easier to get you out of here and then commit the crimes."

"Fair. Get me out of here."

"Window's wide open."

A/N: I'm working on a separate book (one that I hope to publish one day, and not just on Wattpad. If chapters slow, that is another reason, just not the main one.

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