October 15, 2013

776 19 0

A/N: Sorry for the lack of work. No, death hasn't hit me, but I've been working on my sister's Christmas gift. Incase a certain friend of mine is reading this, or if (for some ungodly reason, as she hates horror movies), my sister's reading this, I won't spill. But, yeah. It's very tedious and time-consuming, so it's taking some time. I also watched Silence of the Lambs for the first time. I approve. 

The next day, Sam woke you at stupid o'clock in the morning. The sun wasn't even peaking out from the horizon, and you could still hear the owls shouting out in the still air. 

"What?" You grumbled, lazily smacking his hand off your shoulder.

"Come on. Visiting hours are about to begin, and we've got to see Laurie." He whispered. 

"Why can't we go at a normal hour?" 

"Because, I've got a very important event to attend today, and we have to get this done by nine A.M." 

"What time is it, huh? One?" 


You groaned dramatically and sat up. "Fine, fine. Give me, like, ten minutes. But, breakfast is on you." 


"Good morning, sir. Who are you here to visit?" The receptionist asked. 

"Laurie Strode, please." Sam sipped on his coffee, and you sipped your F/S/B (Favorite Starbucks Drink). 

"You were here yesterday, weren't you?" 


"Alright, so then, you know that Ms. Strode had a heart attack last night?" 

Sam dropped his coffee, and you choked on your drink. 

"She... she what?" Sam gasped. 

"I'm very sorry, sir. Ms. Strode was elderly, surely you know that, and her heart was getting bad. She's been in cardiac arrest once before. Her daughter is in charge of funeral arrangements. Would you like me to send you her information?" The receptionists' face sorrowed, and there was a sudden drop in his tone. 

"Um, p-please. Thank you. My information is, uh, o-on the sheet from yesterday." 

"Alright. I'm very sorry for your loss." 

"Thank you. Have a good day." 

"Thank you, sir. You try and have one, yourself." 

You and Sam walked out of the home, shocked. Laurie was dead. She wasn't coming back. Ghosts can't give you information on how to kill a seemingly immortal murderer. Ghosts can't provide stories on how they've managed to stay alive the whole time. Ghosts can't tell you that everything will be alright, and that Michael Myers would never harm a hair on the head of Y/N L/N. 

"What do we do now?" You inquired, walking down the steps of the nursing home. 

"I don't know, Y/N. I don't know. I wish I did. Like there was someone we could talk to about Michael." Sam sniffed, stopping and sitting down on the steps. 

You sat down with him, too. 

"Laurie... she meant more to me than she would've ever known. After helping her evade Michael so many times, I found myself thinking about her often. 'How's Laurie doing' and 'I wonder if Laurie's safe' constantly passed through my head. Now, I know the answer to both of them, and it's the answer I never wanted to come to terms with." Sam's eyes began to gloss over, and his voice cracked.

"What are the terms?" You croaked. 

"Laurie wasn't doing well, and she's no longer safe, nor in danger," Sam produced a Handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed at his eyes. "She's gone." 

Rain began to patter down gently on you and Sam, and the world seemed to go quiet. No cars drove by, and no footsteps could be heard going up and down the streets, No car horns, no birds, no sound. All that was heard was Sam gently weeping and the rain, which grew increasingly louder. 

"Come on, Sam. Let's... let's go home." 


Sam had spent the rest of the day up in his room. You spent the day watching the rain, wondering if Michael was watching it, too. Was he watching you? Was he inside the nursing home? Looking at Laurie's corpse? 'I wanted to do this,' He'd think. 'She was supposed to be my kill.' And he'd stand his intimidating stance and he'd just stare. 

"Y/N? Is everything okay?" Aunt A/N asked as she walked in the door. 

"Laurie Strode's dead." You blankly replied. "She had a heart attack last night." 

"Oh, sweetheart." Aunt A/N set down her umbrella and sat down next to you. "I'm sorry. I know that... interview, I guess, meant a lot to you and Sam. How is he doing?" 

"I haven't seen him since we got back." You never tore your eyes from the window. 

"Why don't you go up and check on him. I'm sure he'd-" 

"Is Mr. G/L/N (Godparent's last name) home yet? I need to speak to all of you." Sam appeared at the bottom of the stairwell. His eyes were bloodshot, and he looked very tired. 

"Um, no. U/N will be home soon, I'm sure. Why? Is everything alright?" Aunt A/N stood up from the couch and glanced to the clock in the kitchen. 

"I just... I need to speak with all of you." 

"Well, we can talk at dinner. You look very tired. Why don't you go take a nap, Sam?" Aunt A/N suggested. She now removed her coat and hung it on the hanger. "I'll make dinner, and wake you once it's done and U/N is home, alright?" 

Sam nodded and returned up the stairs. 

"Y/N, help me with dinner. I was thinking of turkey and mashed potatoes, and I need help with the peeling." 


"So, Sam, what was it that you wanted to talk about?" Aunt A/N asked, cutting him some slices of turkey. 

"I cannot stay here anymore." 

Aunt A/N dropped her knife, and it sliced her leg on the way down. She gasped out in pain, but she was too shocked to pay it any mind. "What do you mean?" 

"I need to go home. Losing Laurie, I cannot stay here, where she was. In this house. She's gone, and this house is putting too much of a strain on my mind, now that's she's... she's... dead." 

"Well, Sam, that's understandable. But, couldn't you just-" Uncle U/N began. 

"I've already had it arranged. My sister is picking me up tomorrow at nine A.M. I shall go home and grieve. I appreciate all you've done to make this house a home for me in this time, but Laurie's death has made it too much to bare. I've... already packed." 


"My word is final." 


"It's final." 


"I'm sorry, Mrs. G/L/N. My departure has already been arranged."

A/N: Not one, but two plot twists in this chapter! I know, I'm so rebellious. My sister is introducing me to music in French, and I'm not sure what to think. I may like it more if I understood what was being said. Unfortunately, I speak Latin and English fluently, not French.

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