November 16, 2013

706 21 12

A/N: Sorry for late updates. I've had multiple large projects for school, and I have many baking orders I have to get done before the end of the week. Don't worry, I didn't forget about this!

Sam's sister arrived exactly at nine A.M. She looked like Sam; just smaller and she had hair. You were the one who opened the door.

"Good morning. I think I have the right address. Is Samuel Loomis here?" She asked.

"Yeah, he's here. Come in, please."

She entered and collapsed her umbrella.

"You can, um, sit down. I'll go get Sam."

She sat down on the couch and folded her hands on her lap. She appeared to be looking around at the family photos on the wall, and you were in very few, considering you didn't live with your aunt and uncle until about three weeks ago.

You knocked on Sam's door. "Sam, she's here. You're sister, I mean."

"Tell Tracy I'll be out in a minute."

Assuming Tracy was his sister, you returned to the living room and looked to Tracy. "He'll be out in a minute. Can I get you anything?"

"Oh, I'm good, thank you. May I ask, why aren't you in many of these pictures?" She asked, gesturing to the pictures on the wall.

"I just moved in with my aunt and uncle." You replied.

"Well, what about your parents? Why don't you live with them?"

Your eyes fell to the floor.

"Oh, they kicked you out?" Her voice sounded sympathetic, and her eyes casted sad shadows at you.


Well, you weren't going to tell a (mostly) complete stranger that your parents and younger sister were killed in a car accident. Why? A, the obvious (as seen stated prior), and B, you felt guilty. You felt like it was your fault, and that you shouldn't have survived. You wouldn't wish the pain you felt upon your worst enemies.

"What do you mean, sure?"

"Hello, Tracy. It's good to see you again." Sam appeared at the stairwell, baggage in his hands.

Oh, Saved by the Sam! Thank you, Mr. Loomis!

"Hi, Sam! Oh, it's been so long! How've you been?" Tracy hugged Sam, and he gave her what looked to be a very empty hug in return.

"I've been better, to tell you the truth. I can tell you more on the way back home." Sam released his sister, and he turned to you and Aunt A/N and Uncle U/N, who had appeared at the stairwell.

"I appreciate all of the hospitality you've shown me in my stay. I truly hope everything works out alright for you. Goodbye; and I hope to see you again. All of you." Sam smiled grimly.

Unfortunately, you knew what he meant when he said 'all'. He was worried that, without him around, Michael would finally play Kick the Can with the three of you, except you didn't have any cans. So, he'd use buckets. You were worried about it, too. Aunt A/N and Uncle U/N were worried, too, but they refused to show it. They didn't want to worry you, but it was way too late for that. Keep up with the times, there, A/N and U/N.

Sam stepped out the door, Tracy right behind him, and he closed the door gently behind him. The three of you watched as Tracy's bright red Ford pulled out of the driveway, and turned out of view.

"Well, now I guess we're on our own." Aunt A/N slowly began.

"Sam wasn't here just to protect just us." You snapped. "He was here because he didn't want something to happen to this town."

"Y/N, watch that mouth of yours." Uncle U/N warned, removing his hand from your shoulder. "Sam was here because Sherriff Morgan asked him to come down, and-"

"Oh, drop it! You know why he was here! He was here because he was worried! Michael is a murderer, and he knew what would happen! He was here to help the whole town! He came down here because he cared!" You shouted.

You were angry. Why you were angry, you didn't know in that moment. But, deep down, you knew. You were mad because your aunt and uncle had locked you away. And you knew the exact reason why. And it wasn't because they were worried about you.


I cannot sleep. I cannot stop thinking about what I heard earlier. If Y/N knew, she's be devastated. I cannot tell her. I simply cannot. She's had enough hardships in the past month, and I think she deserves to sleep peacefully for once. I think I'll go make myself some tea, and perhaps that will help tire me out.

As I walked past U/N and A/N's bedroom, I overheard A/N say, "U/N, we've got to put her away. You saw the signs! You know the truth!"

"A/N, it would be best if we kept her here. Right now, she needs family. She just lost hers, and she needs someone to be there for her. We've got to keep her here. Just for a while."

"Fine. But don't blame me if you wake up with a knife sticking out of your stomach one day."

"A/N! She's a sweet girl! She'd never-"

"You don't know what she's capable of."

"Neither do you!"

"This is ridiculous. I'm going down to Stu's to get a drink."

Hurriedly, I went down the stairs and into the kitchen. I began to prepare my mug for tea as U/N walked down the stairs.

"Can't sleep, Sam?"

"No. I'm hoping a cup of tea will help me relax."

"Try herbal. I'm heading down to the pub to get a drink."

"Alright. Enjoy yourself."

How could he act so nonchalant when he just had a conversation like that?


"Sam told me all about your argument!"

Aunt A/N and Uncle U/N fell silent. Nobody was supposed to hear it. Nobody was supposed to know they even had that conversation.

"Y/N, your aunt and I need to discuss this. Go to your room, and we'll come talk to you in a bit."

Childishly, you turned and stomped up the stairs, making sure to slam your door just a little bit.

Sitting on your desk chair was Michael, and he had taken his mask off.

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