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Persisting through the bitter winds and snowfall, the four marched along the boundless path. They somehow didn't encounter any unfortunate or strange incidents on the road, and they finally returned to their residence safely.

However, when they returned home, they noticed that the atmosphere of the room didn't seem quite right. Several people were sitting in the living room; their faces were pale and drawn, and they were completely motionless. Deathly stillness hung in the air, and the atmosphere seemed even graver than when everyone had first arrived here.

Lin Qiushi swept his eyes across the others within this room and quickly counted the number of people. It was only after making sure the number of people hadn't decreased that he let out a sigh of relief.

"What happened?" Xiong Qi demanded.

Trembling violently, a man sitting down shakily responded, "Upstairs, the corpses upstairs disappeared."

"Some corpses disappeared? That's it?" Xiong Qi growled, "Are you all novices? Why are you so scared of dead bodies vanishing?"

"Eaten." A girl blubbered at the side, tears streamed endlessly down her cheeks. "There's blood everywhere..."

Xiong Qi and Xiao Ke glanced at each other, they knew they wouldn't be able to get any useful information from these people's mouths. Thereafter, the four decided to go to the third floor to observe the situation for themselves.

They started climbing the stairs. Upon reaching the second floor, Lin Qiushi immediately detected something was amiss—the walls of the second floor were also painted with blood.

Because the house was built of wood, the colors of the walls were mahogany. Lin Qiushi spotted some black smudges on these walls, as if something had been splattered there.

"Be careful, it may be something dangerous," warned Xiong Qi who was walking up front.

They eventually reached the third floor, and Lin Qiushi finally realized what the others meant by 'eaten'.

The area was completely bereft of the corpses that were previously laying there. But that wasn't all; the dead bodies had vanished, but there was something else in place of them. The entire ground was covered in residues of flesh and bones, as if something had ferociously torn them apart and gnawed on them to smithereens, leaving nothing but unrecognizable scraps behind.

Lin Qiushi's face automatically turned white from seeing such a sight, and his stomach began to churn.

"It devoured everything down to the very bones." Xiao Ke was accustomed to this. "I have no idea what this is."

"Hah." Xiong Qi heaved a sigh. "Come on. Lock the third floor. We'll start living on the second floor from today."

"Okay." Xiao Ke hummed. "I'll asked the others about the details."

They went back down to the first floor and questioned everyone on the particulars of what went down while they were gone.

The people downstairs explained to them what happened at the house.

After Xiong Qi and them had left, the group began searching the entire building. In the midst of searching through the second floor, they heard an unusually strange noise coming from the third floor; it sounded as if someone was chewing something, devouring it ravenously, gulping it down.

Immediately after counting the number of people and ascertaining that none of them were on the third floor, they broke out into cold sweat.

No one dared to go upstairs and take a look; they all stood stiff and watched the situation from the second floor. Only when the chewing sounds disappeared did they have the courage to go to the third floor and check it out—but all they saw were remains of ground meat and powdered bones.

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