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Ruan Nanzhu genuinely enjoyed the noodles Lin Qiushi cooked. He thoroughly ate the entire bowl clean, not even a drop of the broth was left.

Lin Qiushi asked, "Was it good?"

"It was better than whatever you made in the door world." Ruan Nanzhu gracefully wiped his mouth then glanced at the time on his watch. "Get everything ready as soon as possible. I will come pick you up in the afternoon."

"Okay." Lin Qiushi nodded in understanding.

After Ruan Nanzhu finished speaking, he got up from his seat to leave. Lin Qiushi's dear Chestnut came over and started to whine pitifully, gently wrapping its tail around Ruan Nanzhu's leg. With large eyes revealing its reluctance to part with Ruan Nanzhu, Chestnut gazed up at the other and mewled softly, as if begging for him to stay. The fire in Lin Qiushi's eyes roared with resentment as he enviously watched this scene. However, even though he knew that his burning with jealousy was rather unsightly, there was nothing he could do about it; after all, who told Chestnut to be such a loveable cat?

The place was rented out by Lin Qiushi. He still had half a year left on his rental lease, and he never intended to leave his residence anytime soon, but, unfortunately, plans changed. Although he actually wasn't much of a city person, because he attended college in the city, he had to stay here. It wasn't long before he became accustomed to this weather and lifestyle; and once he graduated, he didn't bother moving out and simply remained here.

Lin Qiushi began to organize all of his belongings. He didn't have that many clothes, so he was easily able to pack them up within moments. The most troublesome things to pack, however, were the countless work books that were too heavy and burdensome to take with him. He stared the books for a good while. After a moment's hesitation, he went downstairs to call the cleaning lady and eventually had all of his books sent away.

Life was simply too short to last long. At the end of the day, one should always act in a way that would make them feel wholly content and unregretful with the way they lived. And if that meant throwing away some work books, so be it.

After sorting out his luggage, Lin Qiushi contacted his friend, Wu Qi, and briefly told him he was moving.

Upon hearing that Lin Qiushi was relocating, Wu Qi blurted that he'd lend a hand, but Lin Qiushi immediately refused his help, saying that the moving company had already been called and that he did not need to rush over for any specific reasons.

"So, where are you moving to?" Wu Qi wondered.

"The suburbs. Once I get settled and everything, I'll call you over sometime so we can hang out." Lin Qiushi said. "Now, obediently go back to doing whatever it was you were doing. Work hard, and don't fool around too much."

"You better not forget to send me the address later!" Wu Qi reminded him. "That aside, it's good that you've resigned and decided to enjoy life a bit. Just who in their right minds could put up with working overtime every single day like you did! Even though you're young, you still have to consider your own health and well-being, okay?"

"Mhm." Lin Qiushi hummed in response.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Ruan Nanzhu and Cheng Qianli arrived at his house to help him carry his luggage to the car. The meowing Chestnut was also put inside a pet carrier, and then placed in the backseat of the car.

Lin Qiushi: "When we arrive at the villa, will Chestnut really let me hold it?"

Ruan Nanzhu: "En."

Cheng Qianli: "Lin Qiushi, do you know that, right now, you kind of look like a wife who has been abandoned by her husband?"

Lin Qiushi: "..." No, I don't know. I didn't have a single clue. And I give you my wholehearted gratitude for letting me know.

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