Chapter 64: Entrap

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Under the weight of night, Lin Qiushi finally slipped down into sleep. But it was unsteady; due to his hearing, even small movements could wake him from his dreams.

Tonight was no exception. As he slept, he once again heard an odd sound.

Af first this sound was faint and not very clear. Lin Qiushi wanted to sleep, so kept his eyes shut. But as time went on, the sound became gradually louder. If he had to describe it, he'd say it sounded like something heavy hitting the ground.

As Lin Qiushi pondered what the sound was and whether or not he ought to get up, he was startled fully awake by a loud bang. It really was too loud—even Ruan Nanzhu in the bunk above and Feng Yongle across from him heard it.

"What's going on?" came Feng Yongle's mumbling voice.

Ruan Nanzhu knew Lin Qiushi must be awake, and said, "it came from the window."

Feng Yongle, "should we go see?"

Ruan Nanzhu, "wait a bit longer."

So the three continued to lie in bed. A few minutes later there was another loud bang, this time much closer to them.

Lin Qiushi heard Ruan Nanzhu sit up in bed. He was slowly descending, and seemed to want to see what was happening outside the window.

So Lin Qiushi also got up and off to bed to look with him.

Ruan Nanzhu peered at him, but said nothing.

The two left their beds and came to the window. They worried about something being outside, so moved carefully.

"There's nothing there." Ruan Nanzhu looked from the window and confirmed the view outside.

Nothing? Lin Qiushi began to type: it sounded like something heavy hitting the ground.

Ruan Nanzhu, "hitting the ground?"

He seemed to have thought of something.

As Ruan Nanzhu was thinking, Lin Qiushi, who faced the window, saw a black shadow fall past. And then there was the familiar sound—BANG!

This time, Lin Qiushi finally knew what the sound was. It was somebody jumping from the building above and hitting the ground.

Ruan Nanzhu looked out the window once more, only to see that the ground that had been bare before now had on it a corpse, snapped and shattered from the fall. The body was partially hidden by the night, but Lin Qiushi could clearly see it was wearing a sanatorium nurse's uniform. Liters of fresh blood gushed from her form. She seemed to have landed head first, her whole body contorted oddly on the hard cement, still slowly spasming.

This was the source of the noise. Ruan Nanzhu watched the corpse in silence for a while, before murmuring, "so it's hers."

Lin Qiushi didn't understand and glanced at him, perplexed.

Ruan Nanzhu explained, "she wore the red high heels..."

Lin Qiushi, "..."

As they spoke, the nurse's tattered body actually started to move again. Both her legs seemed to have shattered in the fall, and so she dragged herself forward by her arms, heading back to the building before her...

Feng Yongle had gotten up too, and this was the first sight he saw when he got to the window. He went pale, and uttered a curse.

The nurse's corpse quickly crawled back into the building they were in, and the bloodstains on the ground began to fade.

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