Chapter 122: Minotaur

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The night grew darker, and because the room they'd stayed in before was now in a completely different spot, the three of them could only select a random room to sleep in on the second-story deck.

The good thing was that after the rooms began to change, they could only be locked from the inside, so there was no concern about getting in.

The bedroom they chose this time was also a triple, and there were some bags inside, left here by people the day before. Lin Qiushi said they'd bring the bags out tomorrow since if they left in the room, they might not be able to find them again.

Ruan Nanzhu nodded in demonstrated agreement with Lin Qiushi's words.

Not long after they turned in, it began to rain outside again.

The howling sea wind lent more strength to the rain, and the ship felt so flimsy on the brinkless ocean. It seemed that they could be smothered underneath the black waters at any second.

The ship kept swaying, and even the beds became like hammocks, swinging to and fro. It was horribly uncomfortable, and even Lin Qiushi, who didn't get motion-sick, had to sit up in bed to feel a bit better. It was easy to see that someone who did get seasick would be vomiting up everything in their stomachs right about now.

"Linlin, are you alright?" Ruan Nanzhu asked, seeing that Lin Qiushi didn't look so good. The swaying beds didn't seem to be impacting him any, however; he was still lying unaffected in bed.

Lin Qiushi shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

"I'm just a little dizzy. I'm going to sit up for a while."

What he could see from his window was constantly changing as well. Sometimes he saw the cabin, sometimes he saw the keel. Right now, he just so happened to be looking out at the top deck with the rain water sloughing off the planks.

All the kerosene lamps outside had been extinguished, and only faint silhouettes could be seen on deck. Lin Qiushi watched for a while, and by the time the rain lessened, he decided to lie back down and go to sleep. But just as he got into bed, he noticed two blurry figures appear on deck.

One of the figures stood roughly two meters tall, while the other was collapsed on the floor. It was held and being dragged along the ground by the taller figure.

There was nobody in their group taller than two meters. Obviously, the thing appearing before Lin Qiushi now was not human. As for the thing in its grip...

Lin Qiushi turned and shot Ruan Nanzhu a look.

The two didn't need words to understand each other. Ruan Nanzhu walked silently behind Lin Qiushi and followed Lin Qiushi's line of sight.

When he saw that giant figure, his expression became instantly solemn.

Lin Qiushi didn't dare speak; that thing was, at the moment, quite close to them. Any sound they made was likely to arouse its attention. As for what would happen then, they hardly knew.

That hulking figure halted in its steps on the deck. It bent over, burying its face in the body that it dragged along. The next moment, Lin Qiushi heard an immensely unfortunate sound—the sound of raw meat being chewed. Sharp teeth severed skin and tore off fresh flesh chunk by chunk. Then came the brusque chewing and swallowing. A gamy scent began to fill the air. It was the scent of blood.

Lin Qiushi understood everything that was happening. The rain outside gradually stopped; storms on the sea came and went quickly. Storm clouds dispersed, unveiling the raw white moon. Under the cool moonlight, he could finally see everything before him with clarity.

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