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As a matter of fact, if Zhu Meng truly disliked someone, she didn't bother to waste words on them, much less speak ill of them; she would very much rather just wreak vengeance on the spot. Although that fellow, Li Dongyuan, seemed to have changed ways after having become absolutely smitten, Lin Qiushi still couldn't forget when the other plotted against them. Had it not been for Lin Qiushi's luck at the time, perhaps all of them would have played right into Li Dongyuan's hands and fallen into his trap.

Those who passed their eighth door were, by no means at all, fair or kind, and this could especially be said for Li Dongyuan, whose charismatic appearance inside the door world was completely different from his harmless baby-faced image in the real world.

The next door they were to enter with Li Dongyuan was the fourth door of a White Deer member. They didn't exactly who this member was, but regardless, Ruan Nanzhu had already received the clue to this door in advance.

There was but a single word written on the note: Satchan1.

After receiving the clue, Ruan Nanzhu instantly went to work, researching almost everything he could on it, before giving Lin Qiushi a brief rundown on what he had found. Satchan was a Japanese urban legend that had been composed into a nursery rhyme. Legend had it that a young schoolgirl was hit by an oncoming train on a winter night; immediately on impact, her legs were severed from her torso, and she slowly bled out, eventually dying a tragic death. Several days after her accident, someone wrote a song dedicated to her. The lyrics were, as follow2:

Satchan's name is actually Sachiko
But she's called herself Satchan ever since she was little
Oh, how funny!

Satchan really loves bananas
But she can only eat half of her favourite bananas
Oh, how pitiful!

Satchan has left for a faraway place
And she'll soon forget about me
Oh, how lonely, Satchan!

However, the person who wrote this song mysteriously died not too long after. His lower body, missing...

There was also one final verse to this song: "My legs are gone, so won't you give me yours?"

It was said that Satchan would always pay a visit to those who've sung this song, and rip off their legs.

Upon hearing the backstory of the clue, Lin Qiushi rubbed the goosebumps on his arms, "This is pretty scary."

"It's not that bad." Ruan Nanzhu, on the other hand, thought it wasn't scary at all. He appraised the note, "The hint this time is quite useful and concise. At least it's told us one very important condition for death."

"Well, that's true," agreed Lin Qiushi. "So, when will we go in?"

Ruan Nanzhu: "In three days. Are you ready?"

Lin Qiushi: "More or less."

Ruan Nanzhu: "Good."

In the next few days, Lin Qiushi, who had already put on his special bracelet, simply roamed about in the villa, while Ruan Nanzhu, who had long changed into women's clothes, continued making preparations. It was truly incredible just how natural he looked, it was though he was born for this; there wasn't anything even slightly off or weird about him in women's clothes. Lin Qiushi had seen him crossdressing plenty of times before, so he was almost accustomed to it by now. He secretly thought in his heart that the female Ruan Nanzhu was too beautiful...of course, he only thought this and didn't dare say it aloud.

Three days passed by rather quickly. Lin Qiushi was watching the television, calmly awaiting the door's arrival, when he suddenly felt an abnormal change in the atmosphere around him. No sooner, he realized that everyone in the villa had vanished into thin air.

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