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Zhang Mian appeared to have a very easy-going and friendly personality, and his innocent baby face only served to emphasize his adorable nature. Every time he smiled, two charming dimples would cutely peek out from the corners of his mouth, making him look so sweet and angelic.

Everyone in the villa was rather welcoming towards him, except for Cheng Qianli.

"I don't like that guy one bit." The day after Zhang Mian's arrival, Cheng Qianli immediately sought out Lin Qiushi to nag and whine. Like a broken record, he listed off all of his complaints and vented all of his dissatisfactions.

Lin Qiushi, on the other hand, had a rather good impression of Zhang Mian. "Why don't you like him?"

"Haven't you noticed that big brother Ruan has only been paying attention to him ever since he came?" Cheng Qianli grumbled. "He doesn't even take us inside the doors with him anymore..."

Lin Qiushi grew silent.

Cheng Qianli impatiently stared at Lin Qiushi, waiting for the other to agree with him, "Don't you think so?"

"Not at all." Lin Qiushi candidly replied. "Besides, isn't it better for us if he doesn't take us with him all the time? Unless you'd rather enter the door worlds that often?"

Cheng Qianli: "..." Thinking about it...that was actually true.

But, honestly speaking, Ruan Nanzhu really did treat Zhang Mian rather specially. Ever since he arrived, Ruan Nanzhu took the other with him to the door worlds at least three to four times a week, and Zhang Mian also adapted fairly well; he adjusted to the changes between reality and the door worlds very quickly.

As for Lin Qiushi, Ruan Nanzhu would simply tell him to take care of his body or get some rest.

From an outsider's perspective, Ruan Nanzhu seemed to want to train Zhang Mian, to polish him up, which would explain why he went so far as to bringing the other everywhere, risking their lives in the process. However, from Lin Qiushi's point of view, Ruan Nanzhu's current actions were strangely odd. Yet, he couldn't exactly pinpoint where this inexplicable sense of oddity came from at the moment.

One morning, Zhang Main greeted Lin Qiushi out of nowhere, subtly asking whether there were any other people here that he hadn't met yet.

Lin Qiushi, who was eating his breakfast at the time, was more than taken aback at the other's random question, "Other people? What do you mean?"

Zhang Mian restated, "I mean, are there other members in this organization." He then laughed brightly, revealing two lovely dimples and looking particularly cute, "Have you not seen them either?"

Lin Qiushi shook his head.

"Oh, Brother Ruan took me to meet some more members yesterday." Zhang Mian continued, "So, I was just a little curious about how many members are in our team."

This matter was rather sensitive, so even if Lin Qiushi was aware of it, he wouldn't be able to tell him. In any case, though, he genuinely didn't know much, since he was kept in the dark half of the time and didn't bother to ask unnecessary questions. That being said, he could only shake his head in the end, indicating he didn't know.

Zhang Mian hummed in understanding, and no longer probed the other for answers.

Meanwhile, the others gradually began filling the open seats at the table; each and every one of them greeted Zhang Mian as they sat themselves down. No sooner, Lin Qiushi was met with the most bizarre sight ever. With the exception of a few people in the room, everyone was laughing and chatting happily with Zhang Mian.

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