Chapter 5: Luke

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Silence echoed in my head. I couldn't think. My body was numb. I knew I was crying, but I barely registered the streaks of water running down my cheeks. They had all wrapped their arms around me, but I couldn't feel a thing. But if I was numb, at least I couldn't feel the pain of losing him.

Eventually they all let go, and I sank to the bed again. Except for Peyton. Come to think of it, I didn't even know how she'd gotten over here, but now she was hugging me tightly. I hiccupped as sobs continued to rack my body, but she just held me, and I let her. She and I were losing so much more than Micaiah and Eli were. Yes, they'd known him for weeks and he'd become their family too, but it wasn't like what we had with him.

I refused to accept that I'd lost him. He was kissing me such a short time ago. How could that change so quickly? I didn't want to free Kamiah without him. I didn't want my face to be all over the nation without his right beside it. I didn't want to find someone else. I wanted him. I wanted to live the rest of my life with him by my side. Not some other man or woman. Him.

But now there was no choice. I would have to face life without him.

I stayed next to her forever. At some point we both stopped crying and just sat in silence. "Butterfly," I whispered. She looked up, recognition shining in her eyes. "That's what he used to call you. I remember how jealous I was because I wanted to be the one he was with, but I tried to be happy for him because he seemed happy."

She nodded. "I remember. I took such pride in it for so long. It's funny now." A sad smile crept across her lips. "Butterfly was appropriate because our relationship was so fleeting. Nothing like the one he had with you." She put her palm over my heart. "He'll always be with you Luke. Always. And one day, you'll see him again."

"Yes." My lips barely parted as I spoke, causing the word to be almost inaudible. "I know." Suddenly, I remembered she'd somehow stood on her shattered ankle and come over to comfort me.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay? Does your ankle hurt?" I asked.

She looked at me in confusion for a moment before she realized what I was talking about. "Oh, no. I didn't feel anything. I still don't. I pretty much jumped over here off my good foot anyway."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "I'm surprised he didn't scold you sooner." I motioned toward Eli. "Or Micaiah for that matter."

"That would have been really wrong. Y'all were having a moment," Eli stated. His eyes were still tinted red just like Peyton's. Maybe I hadn't been crying for as long as I'd thought.

Micaiah rose from where he was sitting next to Eli. "Do you want to come for a walk with me Luke? It'll clear your head."

"Anything to get away from here," I answered, relieved. I stood up eagerly. "Should we tell Michelle on our way out? I'd like to bury him before Monday..."

He nodded. "Of course." He began to plod up the stairs. Eli and Peyton made no move to follow him, which wasn't to my surprise. It would be useless for Peyton to go out in the grass in her wheelchair, and Eli didn't go anywhere without her if he didn't have to. Eli waved a hand, as if he'd read my mind. I forced my feet to climb the stairs one at a time until I finally arrived at the top.

Michelle and Justin were sitting in the living room, laptops open on their laps. They were speaking in hushed whispers, gesturing fiercely to images on each other's screens. I walked over, hesitating for a second before I cleared my throat. I had no intention to scare them. They met my eyes, clearly wondering why I was up here.

"Yes Luke?" Michelle asked tentatively.

I had been afraid I'd cry again, but my eyes were dry. "He died about an hour ago. Can we—can we bury him tomorrow or Sunday?" Even I was surprised by the strength of my voice. I only stuttered once, and it didn't waver at all.

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