Chapter 33: Luke

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Eight of us had piled into two separate cars to get to the restaurant Eli and I had reserved. Daniel was driving me, Eli, and Peyton in the Hyundai Sedan we had pretty much assumed full responsibility of. It was to the point that Michelle was requiring that we pay half of the gas price. Meanwhile, Alex had taken Anderson, Micaiah, and Reese with him.

It wasn't a very formal restaurant, but it was always busy. If we hadn't put in a reservation, they would have asked us to wait for three hours when we got there. At least, that's what some of the reviews said.

"Daniel, you're going to miss your turn." I pointed to the street just a few hundred feet away, barely giving him enough time to flip on his blinker before he turned. The restaurant was just past the next light. Alex had already pulled in.

"Y'all didn't have to do this," Peyton stated. "I really appreciate it."

Eli nudged her playfully. "Oh, shut up. You would have done the exact same thing." She just rolled her eyes.

Daniel parked, waving at Micaiah who was waiting in front of the restaurant. "Everyone else is already seated," he said as we walked up.

"Wow, that was fast," Eli remarked.

"Hopefully they'll serve our food that quickly. I'm hungry," Daniel added.

"The reviews are good," I assured him. "So, it should be quick service and great food." Well, as quick as it could be on a Sunday night.

Micaiah motioned for us to follow him inside. "Did you guys tell them it was my birthday?" Peyton asked.

"No, of course not," I answered. "We know better. You wouldn't appreciate the attention." She let out an audible sigh of relief as we approached our table. We were towards the back of the restaurant, near the bar. Televisions covered the wall in front of us, most of them still playing the five o'clock news. It still surprised me how much American content the Canadian channels were covering, especially these days. If you didn't know better, you might as well assume that you were in the United States.

I slid into a chair at the left end of the table beside Anderson just as our waiter appeared to take our drink orders. When he finished, he asked if we were ready to order food. I hadn't even had a chance to pick up the menu yet. Thankfully, Eli politely declined his offer.

"Do you have any idea what you're getting?" I asked Anderson as the waiter went back to the kitchen.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to get the fettuccini alfredo," he replied.

"We have this restaurant back home," Alex interjected. "My family used to eat here for birthdays too."

"Yeah, mine went several times as well," Anderson agreed. He cleared his throat, exchanging a glance with Alex. "Speaking of home..."

Alex turned to face the rest of the table. "Guys, we were going to tell you. I'm sorry it has to be in the middle of all this, but Anderson and I are going home early tomorrow morning."

My heart sank. I had been preparing myself for them to leave for a month now, but the sudden change still shocked me. "I thought you weren't leaving for another week," I protested.

Anderson shook his head. "I'm sorry we had to give you such short notice. His mom requested that we push our departure up a few days so that we can get enrolled in school sooner. We'll both have to repeat our junior years, and school just started a couple weeks ago. The less time we miss, the better."

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