Chapter 15: Eli

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"Littlerock's safehouse was just bombed," Justin told us. He kept his tone neutral, but his expression couldn't mask his concern.

Obviously, we all started flipping out. Half of us started pulling out our cellphones to contact the friends we had in the other group, Peyton included. I put a hand on her wrist to stop her. Justin's reprimand followed. "Hey, you don't have to freak out. Everyone's okay. Thankfully Anna and Michelle were able to locate the bomb before it went off, so they all got out in time. No need to call them all at once."

"What does that mean for us though? Couldn't we get blown to pieces any second now?" Calli sounded frantic.

"Guys, relax. Everything is fine, we just wanted to let you know what happened in case one of your friends called you about it. You don't need to worry about how that's going to affect us moving forward. All you need to do is focus on freeing Blue Lake tomorrow." Britt's attempt at calming us worked. Sort of. Micaiah and Calli still had their cellphones out, and you could tell they were going to call Colin and Liz as soon as they got the chance.

Peyton slid her fingers between my own. "Is that all you needed?" she asked Justin. He nodded. She turned, practically dragging me back down the stairs behind her. I heard Calli and Alex's footsteps behind us.

As soon as we reached our bedroom, she plopped down on the bed and pulled her cellphone back out. "I'm calling Luke. I don't care what he says." I sat down beside her, beckoning the other two to join us.

"We may as well all listen to the same person," I told them.

We waited anxiously as she dialed him. Luke didn't pick up until the fifth ring. "Hey Peyton," he answered. He sounded tired.

"Luke, what happened? Is everyone okay?" Peyton was barely containing her emotions. I could hear the panic behind her controlled voice. I rested my arm on her shoulder, and I felt her relax a little.

"Yeah, everyone's fine. We lost the whole house and everything in it, but we're in the car now. We're driving into town to find a motel."

"Isn't that like, super dangerous?" Calli interjected.

"No, they said it's fine as long as we're out of there pretty quickly in the morning. I mean, it's not like we have much on us that could tell them who we are. We lost all our baggage that came on the plane with us, and we're parking the car far away from wherever we end up staying. We'll be safe for a single night."

"Do you have any idea who did it?" I asked him.

Luke sighed. "No. Anna and Michelle think it was probably a gang, because they found a bunch of weed, meth, weapons, and other stuff in the house before we left. They said something about a gang using our house as a hideout and a rival gang trying to take them out. But then they started saying that maybe the government is onto us, and they wanted to frame it to look like a crime scene. So, we have no idea. But they told us not to worry about it."

"Look, I get that they're probably trying to protect us or whatever, but we practically freed Apopka without them. I feel like we can handle what's actually going on here," Peyton protested.

"Peyton, we don't know what's going on. That's the whole reason they don't want to bother us with figuring something out, because we can't do any more than they can. The assailants left no lead. Anna and Michelle were understandably more concentrated on getting us out of the house than they were looking for clues. And since the whole house was destroyed, it's not like we can go back and look."

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