Chapter 9: Shoot Your Shot

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     In the dining room, I quickly dove under the table and pulled the chairs all the way in. I strategically perched myself across the seats of some of the chairs at one of the ends of the table so that no one could see me under the table unless they crawled under the table themselves. I had a huge rush of excitement as I heard everyone else scampering around the hotel to find their perfect hiding spots.
"Hey, get your own hiding spot dummy!" I heard Vaggy yell from somewhere decently far off.
"Fine don't get your taco in a twist! But I know where you are sooo...bye!" I heard Angel yell back. I smiled to myself as I leveled my breathing. I listened to the music from the record I had put on for background noise so that no one would be able to dictate exactly where everyone else was going based on the sounds of their footsteps. I felt my heart beating fast like the ticking of the timer running out. Tick tick tick tickticktictictic-
The timer chimed and I went totally still. I took very small shallow breaths waiting for a sound to dictate my next move. I had a few plans in mind and plenty of backups. I take these things very seriously. I waited and waited till suddenly.

"Hold still ya fuckin' spider!!" I heard Husker snarl as he fired shots at Angel. From the sound of it they were either in the hall next to the dining room or they were somewhere in the lobby area which was two rooms over.

Just as I was getting intrigued as to who would win that shootout, I heard the door from the kitchen burst open. Immediately after I heard someone breathing deeply and then leaning their back against the wall. I was too high up under the table to see under the table cloth so I couldn't tell who it was by their feet. I heard them start checking the perimeter to make sure the room was clear. As I suspected though they didn't check all the way under the table, just the floor beneath it.
Based on the breathing and the sound of the footsteps it was one of the girls. Definitely Charlie or Vaggy, Niffty is much more fast and she zips around way too fast to make footstep sounds. I took a deep breath as I heard her walk to the door. I lifted the cloth ever so slightly. I saw Charlie leaning halfway out the door to check if she was clear to move out. Big mistake. I cocked my gun, aimed it under the viewing gap I made from lifting the tablecloth and..

"AAH! Wait...What?! Aw dang it!!!" Charlie said grabbing the dart from the seat of her pants. She sighed and made her way to the losers couch. I fist pumped in victory. One down, how many left to go? I listened carefully for a second before I heard Vaggy grumbling loudly from the hall heading towards the lobby. Guess she's out, what a shame. I was hoping she'd make it a bit farther but oh well. I shall avenge her death soon enough.
I realized I hadn't heard a peep out of Angel or Husker since Charlie came in. That was odd. Maybe one of them took cover and hid elsewhere after losing ammo. I had 9 bullets left. I felt like I was gonna be like Deadpool doing a shot kill countdown. In mid thought I was interrupted by a thud from the kitchen followed by another. It was definitely Angel or Husker. I was gonna be cornered if I didn't move fast. Just as I was about to move from my hiding spot,

*BONK* *ZOOM ZOOM* someone barged into the dining room and was speeding all over the room looking for campers like me. It was Niffty of course. She scuttled this way and that until suddenly.

"Hi!" She popped right under the table. She fired a shot at me which I was thankfully able to block with the chair. I rolled out from under the table and dodged all of her shots. Just as I hit the wall next to the kitchen door and I thought it was all over for me,

*THWACK* *Thump*

The door opened and shielded the bullet before it could get to me. But who opened the door?

"Aw no fair! I was distracted!" Niffty yelled before scuttling off to the lobby with the other two girls. I silently sighed in relief. However my relief didn't last long as Husker stepped into the room....

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