Chapter 10: Shoot Your Shot pt. 2

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I held my breath as Husker stepped into the room. His back was turned so he didn't see me yet, but at any second the swinging door would close and I'd be exposed and easily spotted and shot. I needed to find cover and fast. I watched the door and when Husker stepped away from it and let it go, I spun silently to the other side of the door and slid myself into the kitchen. I let out another small silent sigh of relief.

However, I wasn't out of the woods just yet...I still was out in the open, Husker was still just on the other side of the door and Angel and Alastor were still MIA and could bust in at any moment. I had to hide. My eyes darted across the room looking for a hiding spot, and my eyes landed on the giant empty soup/stew pot on the back counter. I thought about it for a second, it could be risky, but no one would probably think to look there. It was worth a shot.

I quickly crept my way over to the counter, and climbed up next to the pot. I removed the lid and peered in. It seemed just big enough to fit me if I curled up. So I slowly stepped into the pot, sat down, hugged my knees to my chest and tucked my head between them before tucking the pot over my head.


It fit perfectly. I smiled proudly, finally my shortness was useful. Once I was situated, I waited and listened for a sound or a signal for my next move. It was dead silent. Husker probably went into another room by now, he's not the type to hide. I was surprised Angel hadn't taken a hit at Husker again. However, just as I thought it, I heard shots being fired in the lobby.


"Dammit you keep making me waste my bullets!!" I heard Husker yell as he fired.

"Not my fault you suck at aiming, Husk! I'm just too good at this!" I heard Angel retort. After a few more rounds fired I heard a simultaneous pair of shots fire.


"Ha!! Now you're both out!" Vaggie laughed.

"At least we lasted into the final 4 unlike you, kid." Husker said.

Both of them were out? Hmm...did they shoot each-other at the same time or did someone shoot one person while that one person shot the remaining person? Or maybe the remaining person managed to get both of them in one shot?

I needed to get my bearings since I was in the final few. Who was left? I shot Charlie, Vaggie was shot by someone early on, Husker shot Niffty, Angel and Husker both got shot simultaneously, so that leaves......

Me and Al.

Just as the realization hit me, I heard a sound. It wasn't a shot or a voice or even movement. It I listened closely in confusion. It was coming from the record player.

"Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes we both,
Oh yes we both, oh yes we both reached for the gun, the gun, the gun, the gun
Oh yes we both reached for the gun,
For the gun"

It was playing We Both Reached For the Gun from the soundtrack of the musical, Chicago. I knew just who started playing it. It had his name written all over it. 1920's, jazzy numbers, had to be Al.

If it was playing on the radio and Al wasn't cheating and using his powers, he must've been right next door. At first, I contemplated making a run for it, but he'd hear my footsteps right away, especially at that close of a range. So I decided to wait it out a bit longer till it was clear enough for me to bolt.

As I waited, I started to hear Al singing the song to himself in the next room. He would come in any minute now. Just then, I heard the voice growing closer. He was coming.

The door swung open gently. I held my breath once again as Al stood in front of the kitchen entrance. He stood there for a moment and then I heard him start to walk around, looking for me.

"(YYYY/NNN) my dear...where aaare yooou?" Al said eerily as if he was a murderer looking for an innocent child he wanted to kill. Ironically, not too far from the truth of the situation.

I stayed silent, hoping he wouldn't find me. His footsteps came closer and closer. Suddenly they stopped. He was right in front of the pot. I clenched every muscle in my body, my heart beat raced and my eyes went wide. I was frozen. I heard the cabinet under the counter being opened. He checked through it. I stayed frozen still. Al closed the cabinet. I squeezed my eyes shut. This was it. It was all over.

Then, I heard his footsteps again followed by the sound of the door. He didn't find me. I relaxed my body and took a deep breath. I heard Al's singing again but distantly, and soon it faded out of earshot. That means he was far enough for me to leave my hiding spot. I poked my head out of the pot and slipped out. I put the lid back and quietly stepped down onto the floor. Where should I go? I couldn't tell what part of the hotel Al went into. I looked around deciding where to go.....then it hit me. The back door. I could try and get the drop on him if I went outside, climbed the fire escape and came in through the roof. Assuming he was inside, which I was 99% sure he was, he'd be unable to detect my location from out there. Without a moment to lose, I went out the back door and started to climb up the fire escape.

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