Recognize Part 2 - Yuri Katsuki x male reader (Yuri on Ice)

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~Yuris POV~
I definitely recognized him. Horrible disguise, I could literally recognize him from miles away. I couldnt believe that hes here.
You can say I look up to him and hes one hell of a skater.
I dropped off his suitcase in his room and something slipped out of the little slit that wasn't zipped up. I picked it up and it was a picture. On it was a child with (H/C) and (E/C) next to a woman with the same features as him. It was them skating . They both looked happy.
That's probably his mom.
I put the photo back inside carefully and exited the room. I started to go through the halls to remind him that his room is ready. Until I saw oka-san talking to the same guy.
"Is it true that you're Y/N L/N?" I heard her asked.
"Yep" he answered.
My eyes widened.
So it is him
I saw ka-san walked away and I looked back to him. He look troubled. I really want to comfort him but I dont know what his boundaries were so I stayed put. She came back with my favorite food and place it in front of him. He seemed to enjoy it so ill let him be.
"Yuri-kun come help with the cleaning" oka-san yelled.
I sighed and made my presence know by wiping down the tables and I saw Minako-san passed out on the floor.
"Oh dear shes at it again" I mumbled and shook my head.
"Is she always like this" I heard a voice behind me. I jumped a bit and turned around feeling embarrassed.
"Sorry I didnt mean to be nosy" Y/n said.
"No i-its okay" I stuttered and scolding myself for being nervous.
He chuckled a bit.
What a beautiful sound.
"Do you know her?" he asked.
"Y-yes she was my teacher"
"I think I recognized you from somewhere. I heard that lady called you Yuri. Is it possible if you're Yuri Katsuki?" he asked
I felt more nervous than I was and started to form an answer.
"I u-uh yea i mean no - I mean I dont know"
He started laughing softly at my answer.
"Its okay you dont have to answer. But you do seem familiar but I wont push it" he lightly smiled.
What did I do to make this angel smile.

"Arent you Y/N L/N? I mean ive seen you skate before and may I say that you really have a gift. Its like the ice rink is made for you and you pour your heart and soul once you step on the rink and when you glide through it looks so peaceful. Like the most peaceful river ever and you block out any distractions" he said.
I was surprised. He really sees what I dont. And that sadness me that I took my gift for granted. He makes a valid point though.
"Oh im s-sorry I-I didnt mean to say much" he said with red cheeks.
"Wow I never saw it that way. Its sad that I see ice skating as a hobby or something that I just do" I said as I feel warm tears on my face.
"Ehh! Youre crying im sorry I didnt mean to make you cry" he said quickly. Then he hugged me.
I gasped.
I start to cry more as I shakingly hug him back.
"Thank you" I whispered.
"Huh. What do you mean?"
"I never felt this warm from a hug ever since ka-san passed. Thank you" I hugged tighter.
I started to feel the warmness overwhelm my heartbeat. Its beating fast and I can feel his too.
I know now that the feelings are mutual.
"Youre welcome" he smiled warmly.

So this is what it feels like to be alive again.
What its like to hold someone again.
Thank you Yuri.
For everything

A/N This one shot wasn't it but im still posting it for the hell of it.

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