The rescue mission? - Finral x magic knight!male reader (Black Clover)

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A/N: I just started watching Black Clover its getting good so far. Im on the water temple arc. Finrals so cute man he deserves at least someone. Hope you enjoy!

~Third POV~

Early morning at the Black Bulls mansion. Everyone was pretty busy but its their day off. Everyones practicing their own magic but at their own pace. Asta and Noelle are practicing theirs. Charmy eating in the cellar again with her sheep chefs. Vanessa passed out on the couch. Grey chilling by Vanessa. Gauche... well... being Gauche. Magna trying out his magic with Luck and Gordon being himself.

Yami himself wasnt present but everyone couldnt tell. Then it started to get a little late. Everyone started to come in and have dinner together. Thats when Yami comes barging in from his own errands. They all sat at the table and noticed something.

"Hey wheres Finral?" Asta brought up.

"Yea I havent seen him all day" Noelle followed up. Everyone was confused because he would show up right about now.

"Hes probably running errands" Magna said.

"Or fighting some bad guys which he shouldve told me" Luck said.

Vanessa was still passed out and Charmy was grubbing so his whereabout doesnt worry them. Maybe they know whats up with him.

"Hey! Stop worrying about him and continue eating you need your nutrients for the next day" Yami shouted.

"Yes sir" they all continue minding their buisness.

Then they heard a portal appear by them and they turned to see Finral coming out of it. But he seems to be a little different.

"Hey Finral why do you have that face" Asta pointed out.

Finral was blushing and had an awestruck face.

"What face? I dont have a face" he responded.

In a trance he then started walking by them and made his way to his room without saying anything.

"Okay somethings up with him" Magna said. "I dont know if that face shows fear or not im going to the bottom of this"

"Yeah I want to know too" Asta agreed.

"Uh guys maybe we should not do rash things okay?" Charmy said nervously. "Hes probably tired or stress from work"

"Ive seen stress from people before and thats not it. Hes probably being targeted by someone, we should help him" Luck said.

Yami, Vanessa, and Charmy shared a knowing look not liking where this is heading.

"Okay in six days well follow him. Its been going on for a while. Every week I always see him leave early in the morning at the same time. I even followed him to the Kingdom Market. But hes always at that fancy restaurant Near and its like hes waiting for someone. I didnt stay longer so he wont sense my magic." he summarized to them. "You know what this mean guys" they looked at him questionably.

"Our senpai could be in danger so we should go to him and offer our assistance" Asta said. Luck and Magna nodded in agreement while Noelle had a questioning expression.

"Well good luck with that, im going to take a fat nap" Yami said not caring on what the outcome would be.

After he left the group of schemers is planning their plot. Charmy and Vanessa sat next to eachother.

"Do you think we should tell them?" Charmy asked.

Vanessa picked her head up and shrugged.

"I dont think so. Besides this is getting back at him for keeping his secret that hes not so good at keeping himself" she laid her head back down.

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