CH 07

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Camilla's POV

"What? I don't understand.." I trail off

"I came here to take you to your new pack, Luna Camilla." Kyle says

"But why? Your Alpha basically rejected me when he left me here.." I quietly say, Carla whimpers in my head.

Ben growls lowly at this as Kyle angrily sighs.

"He's complicated, but deep down, I know he would've taken you with him. He's not himself lately, and I'm assuming you aren't as well."

I slightly nod.

"I'm positive Mason would love for you to be there." Kyle says, smirking

My cheeks heat up and I look away when he said this. He chuckles.

"Come with me, Luna. You might not be officially the Luna of my pack, but you are destined to be when you're mated to my Alpha." Kyle says

I look to Ben, and he gives me a nod.

"Are you okay with this, Benny?" I ask

I only ever call my brother "Benny" when I don't know how to tell him something without him getting mad at me and when I need his assurance that he'll be okay with any decision that I need to make, and as an assured answer, he calls me "Millie".

Ben smiles and nod. He comes to me and envelops me in a tight, comforting hug.

"I'm okay with it, Millie. It's better if you're close to your mate rather than staying here and crying in pain." Ben says and then kisses the top of my head.

I smile, thanking the Moon Goddess for my brother despite him being overly protective of me.

"You better make sure my sister doesn't suffer any more pain in your pack, got it?" Ben sternly tells Kyle, who grins and salutes my brother.

"I'll take care of your sister, Alpha Benedict. I'll even be her personal guard." Kyle says as he flashes his grin at me.

I giggle.

"Alright, go on then. I've already told mom and dad about this. They'll probably be at the door waiting for you. Your things are also packed and placed at his trunk." Ben says

My mouth hang open, shocked. "When did this happen?!"

"After Kyle came and talked to me."

I nod. Ben comes with us as we leave his office. We reach the front door of the pack house and my parents are waiting. My mom spots me and comes to me, she hugs me and I hug back.

"I'll miss you, mom. I'll make you proud." I say

"Oh sweetie, you've already made me proud. I know you'll be a great Luna Queen." Mom says as she smiles at me.

My dad comes and hugs me tight.

"Do great things, my dear. Tell me if your mate is treating you bad and I'll come and beat his ass for you, I don't care if he's the Alpha King. He is werewolf first before his title." Dad says, making me giggle.

"I'll take note of that, dad." I say

I hug my brother one last time and then let go. We leave the pack house and Kyle opens the door for me, I smile gratefully. I turn back around and smile at my family and my pack members who are present, Parker is here too, looking at me proudly.

"I'll make you proud, White Eclipse!" I shout and they all cheer and clap as my family smile at me.

I slide into the car and Kyle drives off. Since Kyle's pack is the closest pack to mine, it took three hours to arrive. Once there, pack members stare and talk amongst themselves as we pass by, assuming that they can smell my scent and feel my aura.

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