CH 31

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Matteo's POV

Levi, Kyle, and I are discussing in my office when suddenly, my doors burst open and in comes Zack.

"What is the meaning of this disrespect?!" I growl

"I deeply apologize, Your Majesty, but the rogues.. they're here!" He hurriedly says

Levi and Kyle shoot up from their seats, "What?!"

"Ring the alarms!" Levi instructs while Kyle mind-links the pack

He nods and runs out. Soon, the alarms sounds loudly. I mind link my mate and ask where she is as I felt her fear. Relief washes over me as I learn she's still in the clinic, closer to the shelter. I feel our boarder's energy wave and it could only mean that they just stepped into my land.

Mason and I growl, "Nobody steps into my land without our permission." Mason growls

"Let's go. It's time to end them all once and for all." I say darkly

Levi and Kyle growls in agreement as they follow me out of my office. We ran to where the rogues have entered; and there, we see two male rogues leading the rest into my land.

"I'd stop walking in any further if I were you." I say, Mason's voice mixing with mine

The rogue grins as he sees me as the other smiles smugly.

"Ah, finally. The King has arrived. I was beginning to think you're getting ready to raise the white flag." He says chuckling

I look at him nonchalantly as the warriors growl at him.

"Oh, you would look at that, your dogs are growling at me. You might want to put on their muzzles."

"They're only growling at you because you have trespassed our land without my permission. I should've gave your Alpha the permission to kill you off when he suggested." I say

His usual cynical, maniac grin turned into a sneer and it was now my turn to smirk.

"Oh, did I hit a nerve?"

"The only nerve that's going to be hit is yours with my canines." He growls

I bark out a laugh and return to my usual cold facade, "Try and get me, mutt."

"Wipe them all out!" I shout

"Not so fast, Your Majesty."

Everyone stops and out comes Draya, her red wavy hair is now white and straight.

"Long time no see, Alpha. Don't you recognize me?" She chuckles

"How could it be.." Levi whispers

"Alpha, you remember asking me who my companions are, right? Well here they are! Meet Daniel and Jack, your old friend. And of course, you remember Onyx, don't you? She is the one who trained me after all, my sister who you killed brutally." She says, a hard glare sent my way

And just like a puzzle, everything connected. Why Jack seemed familiar to me, why Draya and Jack came back after years of silence, and the revenge that Onyx promised me as her death wish. Draya and her companions is the revenge that Onyx was talking about.

Seeing the surprise that slipped from my face, Draya smirks.

"Oh good, you remember my dear sister. Too bad she's gone, she would've loved this reunion." She signs, faking sadness

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