CH 10

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Camilla's POV

My head was spinning with the information that Kaitlyn revealed to me. It made Carla and I furious at what Jess and Onyx did. She tried to take our mate away from us for her own greed. Carla also couldn't help but feel possessive and protective over Matteo and Mason.

"Why did you chose to tell me?" I ask Kaitlyn

She softly smile and gives my hand a squeeze.

"Because I know you could be the person who can fight alongside Matteo and also fight for his love. I know that you are his real mate, my wolf feels it too. I just know that you will do anything in your power to help my Matteo."

I smile at Kaitlyn as my eyes started to water. She hugs me in a motherly way and whispers, "Please help get our old Matteo back."

Matteo's POV

I watch as my mother smile and give Camilla a motherly hug. Mason howls in happiness while I just simply glare at the sight.

How could my mother trust Camilla?!

I huff and turn to go back to my office. Camilla had everyone wrapped around her finger, but I won't fall for it. I am not going to let that happen again. Camilla isn't my mate, she can't be. The mate bond is a trick, this is all a trick. I won't allow history to repeat itself.

Camilla's POV

The next morning, I wake up before sun rise and change into a sports bra and matching shorts. I wear my running shoes and bring out my undergarments and robe and throw them in a bag. I tie my hair in a high ponytail as I leave my room and down the stairs to go out. I place my bag beside the tree and start running around the pack.

It's a chill morning today which I love, and I just know winter is coming very soon. I push myself and run faster, as I hop over a rock, I shift and land on all fours. Carla growls happily as she runs deeper into the woods, the chill morning air run through her fur. She comes to a stop and shakes her fur as she feels that we're near the border.

As she turns around, she hears a branch snap behind her. She quickly turns around and growl, getting into her fighting position. A man comes out of the bush and grins evilly at us. Carla growls loudly as the man comes nearer, stopping just a foot away from the border.

"My my, who do we have here?" The man says

"Ah! You are the Luna Queen, aren't you?" He asks, "No, pardon me, you aren't announced as one yet." He finishes, grinning.

Carla snarls at him and he laughs.

"You're a feisty one. I love it. Well, your Majesty, why don't you be my mate instead? I could treat you so much better than that mutt. Why not be my Luna Queen after I take that mutt's crown?" He grins maniacally

Carla growls louder while I grimace and shudder in disgust. Carla and I are furious and disgusted at what he just said. How dare he plan to take Matteo's title and make me his Luna Queen?!

As Carla was about to charge at the man, I tell her to control her anger. Carla howls loudly and then goes back to giving the man a death glare. His eyes held amusement, he backs away and chuckles.

"I'll see you soon, my Queen."

He disappears just as we hear feet running towards us. Carla was still glaring at where the man disappeared to, she didn't realize our mate was now behind us with Kyle and a few guards.

"Carla, Matteo's here." I tell her

She huffs, turns around, and sees Matteo staring at her. She goes to him and uses her snout to push Matteo to the way where our bag is. She wants me to tell Matteo what just happened.

"What are you doing, wolf?" He asks, pulling his hand away from Carla's snout

Carla huffs and sits down.

"Alpha, I think she wants you to follow her." Kyle says

Matteo stares for awhile and then turns around.

"You follow her, Kyle. I have no time for this." He says and then leaves

Carla whimpers as Kyle comes and pets our head.

"He'll warm up, Camilla." Kyle says as we watch Matteo walk away with the guards.

Carla starts to walk and Kyle follows us. She goes behind the tree once we've arrived and shift back. I wear my undergarments and wrap my robe around me. I step out and walk towards Kyle.

"I need to tell you something." I tell him

Kyle nods.

"But not here, follow me."

I lead Kyle to my room. I close my curtains then lead him to my walk-in closet, where there are no windows.

"What do you need to tell me that you closed your curtains and made me follow you to your closet?"

"Do you believe and trust that I am the real mate of Matteo?" I ask

"Yes, of course."

I nod.

"What I'm about to tell you needs your full attention." I say

"Quit stalling, Cam. What is it?"

I tell him my encounter with the man and also describe what he looked like. Kyle's face hardened as I tell him. When I finish, he was fuming.

"I will tell the Alpha what you just told me. For the mean time, please refrain from running near the border. We don't want anything happening to you, Luna." He says

I nod and sigh. My hands starts to fidget at my sleeve.

"Do you think.. Matteo will believe what I just told you?" I ask

"I don't know but hopefully, he'll take it into consideration that what you just told me is real."

Kyle holds my hand and gives it a comforting squeeze.

"He'll come around, Cam. Just hold on." He says as he softly smile at me

"Thanks, I hope so." I say

Kyle nods and leaves. I grab my outfit for the day and lay them out then I walk to my bathroom for a shower.

Kyle's POV

"Zack, search around the west side border for any suspicious and unfamiliar scent." I mind-link our West head guard as I walk to Matteo's office

"Yes, Delta Kyle, we're on it." He replies

I knock on Matteo's door and opens it when he gives me permission to go in.

"Alpha." I greet as I bow

"What is it?"

I go nearer and then I tell him what Camilla told me.

~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~

Ooh!! Things are getting heated~!!

Do you think Matteo will believe what Camilla told Kyle?

Who is that man and why does he want to get Matteo's crown? Is it for his own greed or for revenge?

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