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(A/N Hehe)

Owen picks me up after school.

"So, how was your test, darling?" he asks. I snuggle into his chest. I always sit on their laps while driving, the passenger seat is just too far away.

"It was okay," I shrug. He kisses my hair. "Are you happy it's over?" What's that kind of question? "Duh."

He chuckles. "Yeah, that was a stupid question." I smile, looking up at him while he's driving. He's so hot, oh God.

He's looking at the road, seeming comfortable. Of course, he drives a lot every day. "Owen?" "Hm?"

"Do you like me?" He frowns at me. "Okay. My question was stupid, but this one... Yes, I like you, darling. I like you a lot," he smiles and kisses my temple.

His hand draws circles on my thigh. I press my thighs together. I feel  something I've never felt before. At least, not this intense.

I also got it when I... was in bed with Mike. I wonder how Owen is in bed. Would he be gentle? Or would he use those cuffs and other stuff I've heard people talk about?

I feel my panties getting wetter the more I think about it. He cocks an eyebrow at me and stops the car. I frown, looking around. We're not home...

"What's wrong?" I ask, confused. He smirks and shifts me, now I'm straddling him. "I don't know. You tell me. Why are you wet, darling?"

I blush. And now I know the answer to my question. He's a rough guy for sure.

His fingers move up my thighs, until they follow the line of my undies. I blush even more. What's about to happen? 

One finger dips on, but he doesn't do anything. I groan, frustrated. "Owen..." He chuckles. "I know, darling. Is this what you want?"

He cups me over my undies. I shake my head. "Tell me what you want then, darling. I need you to say it," he whispers. I blush again. Saying it... that'd be embarrassing.

"Owen," I whine. He arches an eyebrow. "I'm gonna let that slip because you don't know our rules yet. Tell me what you want and I'm giving it to you."

I groan, trying to rock myself against him. He stops my hips with his other hand. "Owen, please," I beg him.

"Please what?" He's not giving it to me... I decide if he teases me, I can make him crazy too. "Please let me scream your name," I say in the most innocent voice.

"Fuck," he mutters. His finger slips in my panties and I feel him caressing me. Then, he pushes his finger in me and I moan. This feels way better than anything Mike's ever done...

I grind against his hand, desperate to add up to the friction. He chuckles and brings in another finger. I grab his arms, looking for something to hold on.

"You like that, darling?" he asks in a deep voice. I nod, moaning. This feels so good... I clench my teeth to not scream it out. 

"Ah, I love watching you," he mumbles, moving his finger faster. I moan again. 

But suddenly, his phone rings. He looks at it, then smirks at me. "Jordan's a bit inpatient, hm?" I nod, gripping his arms firmer.

He smirks again and picks up. My eyes widen. He's calling Jordan while he's literally with his finger in me?

"Did something happen or something?" Jordan yells through the phone. Owen grins. "You could call it that..."

He gives me a mischievous smirk, then curls his fingers in me, hitting my sweet spot. I let out a high pitched scream.

"Was that Scarlett?" Jordan sounds confused. My mind is a fug, all filled with the pleasure Owen is bringing me. "Owen," I whimper.

He snickers. "Words, darling."  I whimper again. "Please, Owen." He smirks, slowing his fingers down. "Please what?"

He already did this... "Please let me come," I whisper. He nods and moves his two fingers in and out of me in a fast rhythm. I yelp.

The knot in my stomach that was building, explodes now and I feel myself dripping over his hand. He grins, obviously happy with himself. He should be.

I sigh happily and lean into his chest. He smirks and hugs me. Then, he licks his fingers off. My eyes widen. Damn, that's hot.

"Was that Scarlett? Is she okay?" I hear Jordan ask. I roll my eyes. Protective boyfriends are nice, but dome trust in Owen?

But he doesn't seem to mind. "She's pretty good," he smirks. I giggle and give him a kiss. He earned it.

He seems very happy with it and tucks me to my chest. "Look, Jordy, we're home in three minutes, alright?"

He hangs up before Jordan can say anything else and clicks the belt over us. I giggle.

We drive home while he keeps kissing my hair. I smile lazily. He exhausted me, but I'm happy.

"Carry me," I mumble when we park. He smiles. "Of course, darling. I made you tired, didn't I?"

I nod and snuggle into his arms when he picks me up.

He walks inside and suddenly, everyone stands up.

"What's wrong?"

"What the fuck happened?"

"Is she hurt?"

Elijah stays behind. He hesitantly smiles at me. I smile back broadly and wave. He visibly relaxes and lies back on the couch. He's obviously still very tired...

I smioe at the others and give them all a kiss. They smile. "Sunbeam, what did Owen do?" Aaron asks.

My cheeks glush and I shake my head. "Nothing! I'm just tired... And so is Elijah, so we're gonna take a nap," I say and jump out of Owen's arms.

He pouts, but smiles again when I give him a kiss goodbye. Elijah watches me with wide eyes when he sees me approach. I take his hand in mine and lead him to his bedroom.

We snuggle into bed, buried under blankets. "Thank you, sweetheart," he whispers softly.

I shift my head from its place on his chest so I can look at his face. But his eyes are closed, and he looks at peace.

"For what?" I ask, tracing his jawline. He sigh, it sounds happy. "For not hating me."

I frown. "I don't think I would ever be able to do that, cutie." He smiles and kisses me, finally looking at me.

"I hope so."



Worst smut chapter ever written by me but oh well

Gotta start somewhere, don't we?


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