Chapter 13

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"Oh my God, this is so exciting, I've only been to an ice skating rink like once. I was only like six and terrible at ice skating and barely remember." Lucas said, walking towards the rink.

It was an outside ice skating rink, a decent amount of people were there already ice skating. "It's not even December and the Christmas tree is already there," Emerson said and Lucas nodded before saying "Yeah but it makes the whole scenery look prettier. Besides December is in 2 days, so it doesn't even matter"

"Yeah, you're right"

"Okay let's go rent the ice skates," Lucas said, grabbing Emerson's wrist, both of them walking towards the worker whose sitting at the table.

"Hi, we'd like to rent two skates," Lucas said with a smile. "What are your sizes?" The worker asked, both of them saying their sizes and the man quickly grabbed two skates.

"Here you go," He said, handing them the skates, Lucas paying for them before they left to put them on.

Once they put them on, Emerson was hesitant on standing up from the bench. "I'm already regretting my decision" Emerson whispered as Lucas stood up.

"Come on, it's not going to be bad. I'll catch you if you fall." Lucas stated and Emerson rolled his eyes.

"Worry about making sure you don't fall. You barely have an experience on ice skating"

"More experience than you, that's for sure. But that doesn't matter, grab my hand, we'll hold hands and skate together so if you fall, I go down with you" Emerson resisted the urge to smile at Lucas.

"You're stupid," He said, but Lucas paid no mind to the insult since Emerson grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers.

Both of them were walking towards the rink, once they were on the ice Emerson placed his hand on top of the bar surrounding the window walls of the rink.

"I'm going to let go of the bar and you better, and I mean you fucking better not let me fall, Hart," Emerson said and Lucas gasped "As if I'd let that happen, can't have you injuring yourself, Sugar," Lucas said causing Emerson to roll his eyes.

He reluctantly let go of the bar, stumbling but Lucas grabbed his waist, making him stand up straight. "Don't worry Sugar, I won't let go" Lucas whispered near Emerson's ear, who shivered. Any close and Lucas lips would brush against his neck.

"Yeah well now I want you to let go," Emerson said turning his head away abruptly, surprised he didn't get a painful whiplash. He was trying to hide the fact a blush crept up to his cheeks.

"Sure you do, let's go," Lucas said as he slowly started moving, Emerson grabbing a hold of the bar again.

"No, can't do it," Emerson said and Lucas sighed. "Alright, start ice skating with the help of the bar to keep your balance, and I'll continue to hold your hand" Emerson nodded, he slowly started to move.

"Sugar, no. You have to try and actually glide, not walk" Lucas said and Emerson's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I'm not good at explaining since I've only been ice skating once and I seem to have the hang of it. But I'll try." Emerson nodded.

"Alright so make sure your skates are shoulder-width apart, and your knees slightly over your toes," He instructed, Emerson, listening and doing as told. "Chin up sugar, keep your feet pointing straight. Make sure your weight is centered directly over the skates" He explained further, receiving a nod from Emerson to continue.

"Right, bend deeper onto the left knee, Sugar, and just push out with your right foot which is your dominant foot" He did as told, being able to skate, stumbling a bit, not enough to trip.

After less than half an hour of doing this, Emerson was getting better, Lucas smiling at how he was learning quickly. "I'm going to let go, Sugar" Emerson shook his head vigorously. "No. If you do, I'm going to end up falling"

"No you're not, you're getting the hang of it." Emerson went back to the bar, gripping it. "Let go of the bar" Emerson sighed before doing so.

"Good, Sugar, I'll hold your hand for a bit so you get the groove of not holding onto the bar" He nodded, as he continued skating. A couple of minutes passed and Lucas eventually let go, making Emerson stumble but he didn't fall.

"Give me a warning before you let go of my hand" Emerson muttered irritably, Lucas smiling before he started skating ahead.

"Hey wait! Lucas don't go" Emerson said, trying to catch up before slowing down knowing if he went and faster, he'd fall.

Lucas slowed up, turning around. "Turn around, you're going to fall if you skate backward" Emerson warned.

"I won't, Sugar" He simply said before he started skating towards Emerson, then around him in a circular motion.

"If you fall, I'm not going to help you"

"That's not right, I helped you. Don't be so cruel" Lucas responded before frowning slightly, while Emerson simply shrugged.

Lucas skated beside Emerson, holding his hand. Emerson looked down at their hands with a blush tripping over his feet in the process, taking Lucas down with him.

Emerson fell on all fours while Lucas fell face flat.

He looked over a Lucas who groaned in pain. Emerson blinked a few times sitting down before laughing obnoxiously.

Lucas sat up immediately, mesmerized by the sight.

Emerson was laughing, an actual full-blown-out laugh. He was smiling.

An overwhelming smile took over Lucas's face, once Emerson had stopped laughing, a smile was still plastered on his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Emerson asked once he caught his breath.

"You laughed and smiled, cause of me" Lucas stated completely dumbfounded. "Because you fell" Emerson added.

"Yeah, but I caused it. God your laugh is so amazing, and your smile is fucking adorable" Emerson flushed, standing up.

"Shut up, it's embarrassing enough we both fell and people saw. I don't need you embarrassing me more with these compliments" Emerson grumbled before he stood up, Lucas standing up after him, before raising a hand to cup his cheek.

"Yeah but you're too pretty for me not to compliment, Emerson" His breath hitched, his heartbeat beating abnormally fast, and loud.

He was sure Lucas could hear it, he was sure his heart would burst out of his chest.

Emerson pushed Lucas off slightly. "Shut up Lucas, don't go complimenting me like that" Emerson said before he started skating.

Emerson placed a hand on his chest, his heart still beating quickly. Lucas likes him, and he likes him back.

He couldn't let Lucas find that out, not until he's ready. Though, that shouldn't be a problem.

Considering, Lucas lost hope on thinking there was a small chance Emerson reciprocated his feeling. Emerson looked embarrassed and uncomfortable around him.

It hurt him, but he wouldn't have false hope anymore, since he was sure Emerson didn't like him romantically. So it won't make Emerson uncomfortable anymore, he'd minimize the amount of flirting, even when he desperately didn't want to.

"Do it for the sake of Emerson" Lucas whispered before he continued skating towards Emerson, the rest of their night being quiet, making them both uncomfortable.

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