Chapter 31

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Emerson heard the sound of a car door closing, they paused the television.

The front door opened, and Emerson stood up and heard their mom walking towards the kitchen. They walked towards the kitchen, before saying "Hi mom" Their mom jumped in fear, before sighing in relief.

"Shit, I didn't know you were here, honey." Their mom said.

"Yeah, and I bought Lucas here with me. We're watching Marvel movies together." Their mom smiled widely, practically swooning.

"Aw, Marvel movies? Your dad and I used to watch them, it's a shame he only got to watch a few of them." Their mom said, reminiscing the old times.

Before Emerson can say something, their mom gasped. "Wait Lucas is here? Introduce us! I can't wait to meet him" She exclaimed, and Emerson nodded.

They walked towards the living room, while their mom was waiting in the kitchen, getting something to drink for herself.

"Come on, my mom wants to meet you" Lucas gulped, before chuckling nervously. "Oh... Okay," Emerson laughed before holding out their hand, and Lucas grabbed it.

"Mom, this is Lucas, Lucas this is my mom."

"Hi Ms.West, it's great to finally meet you," Lucas said with a smile, shaking her hand. Their mom smiled back warmingly.

"It's great to meet you too, and call me Victoria." Lucas nodded. "Alright, I'll cook dinner, and you guys can continue watching marvel."

They both nodded before heading towards the living room. Once they sat down and Emerson unpaused the movie, Lucas leaned his head against their shoulder.

"That went better than I thought," Lucas said, and Emerson wrapped one arm around her shoulder and rubbed their arm in a comforting manner.

"I told you, you were just overreacting." Lucas rolled her eyes. "Well tá brón orm for trying to impress your mom." (I'm sorry)

"I get it but it's like I said, she would've liked you regardless. She trusts my judgment since I don't just befriend anyone." Emerson claimed, and Lucas smiled.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't be too sure considering you befriended Cameron," They said jokingly, and Emerson wrapped their right arm around Lucas's stomach tightly, engulfing him in a tight hug.

"You're lying, you know you secretly like Cameron." Lucas barfed, wrapping one of their hands around Emerson's waist, and Emerson laughed. "If you keep up this act, I might just start thinking about an enemies to lovers arc."

"Hey now, calm down. There's no anything to lovers unless it's strangers to best friends to lovers" Lucas said, adding a subtle wink.

Emerson let go of Lucas before ruffling her hair. "Yeah, agreed."

- -

"Dinners ready!" Victoria yelled, and Emerson paused the movie, both of them standing up before walking towards the kitchen.

"I made pasta!" Emerson snickered. "What's funny?" Their mom asked. "Huh? Nothing. I was just thinking about Gordan Ramsey." Emerson answered, eyeing Lucas who rolled his eyes.

Victoria raised her eyebrow suspiciously but didn't question anything.

"Okay... Well grab a plate and I'll take some out for you both, oh! Give me a plate too" Emerson nodded and walked towards the cabinet and took out three plates, handing one to Lucas, and placing another one on the table.

The first plate was for Victoria, Emerson placed it on the dining table, while their mom put some pasta on Emerson's plate, and next was Lucas's.

Emerson and Lucas sat next to each other while Victoria sat across from them.

They are in silence before Victoria broke the silence and asked "How's the food?"

"It's delicious! I love pasta, it takes a bit different from the pasta I make but yours might be better"

In between coughs, Emerson said "Kiss ass"

"Aw, You don't have to lie to make me like you better! I already like you since you're friends with Emerson." Victoria stated and Lucas shook his head.

"I'm not lying! I'm being genuine, and of course, I decided to be friends with Emerson. Who wouldn't be? They're amazing" Lucas replied honestly before her eyes widening in the realization of what they just said.

Lucas wasn't sure if they were supposed to use Emerson's pronouns around their parents. He got used to it, but she didn't want to cause problems.

Though thankfully Victoria didn't seem to notice, and neither did Emerson. If they did, it wasn't noticeable.

"I've never seen Emerson so happy before, he's always so grumpy." Lucas looked at Emerson, their expression neutral.

Though they didn't show it, Lucas knew they didn't like to be misgendered, no one did. But it was their mother, and since Emerson felt as if they couldn't come out, they kept the discomfort to themselves.

Lucas grabbed their hand, intertwining their fingers. They took a last bite of the pasta before saying "Yeah, well I'm incredibly funny so it's hard not to be happy around me." Victoria chuckled.

"I see why Emerson is so fond of you," Victoia said before standing up since she had finished with the pasta. "Are you both done?" She asked, and they both nodded.

Victoria took their plates and Lucas immediately said "I can wash the plate I used," He suggested, and Victoria dismissed him. "No, you're the guest. You guys go continue with your movie night"

Lucas nodded hesitantly, and Emerson stood up. Making their way towards the living room, once again.

Once the unpaused the movie, Lucas whispered "Was it bad to say your pronouns in front of your mom?" Lucas asked and Emerson shook their head.

"I doubt she'd notice that," Emerson said and Lucas nodded. They both watched the movie in silence, their mom finished washing the dishes and is in her room now.

Lucas holding Emerson's hand, as they've done before. Her head rested on Emerson's shoulder. It was comforting.

Emerson felt terrified that a single person can inflict so many emotions on them.

They were genuinely happy, even though they were not labeling what they are, they were still happy. Even more, since Lucas has been nothing but patient.

Liking someone was a new territory that Emerson was scared of being on, but this? This wasn't scary.

On the contrary, it was oddly comforting.

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