Chapter 19

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Lucas woke up with immense neck pain, he looked around, realizing Emerson wasn't here, he grabbed his phone looking at the time. It was midnight.

He realized Emerson texted him, letting him know that he had left. He turned off his phone and groaned, rubbing his forehead. He loved taking naps, except when he woke up he always had a headache. 

He stood up quietly, going to the kitchen to grab a cold water bottle from the fridge before going up to his room. He walked towards the bathroom that was connected to his bedroom. He brushed his teeth, and once he was done he opened the cabinet and took two pills of Advil, drinking water to make it go down smoothly.

He went back inside his room and charged his phone before laying down on his bed. Letting himself fall asleep again.

- -

Lucas woke up due to his alarm, he turned off his alarm, before getting off of his bed to do his usual morning routine.

Once he was ready, he grabbed his keys and left the house, unlocking his car and turning on the ignition before driving over to Emerson's.

After he arrived at Emerson's house, he waited a minute before Emerson left his house, walking towards the car.

"Hey, Sugar," Lucas said with a smile, and Emerson returned it with a simple nod.

He started driving towards the school, Emerson looking at the window, trying to stay awake.

"You seem more sleepy than usual" Lucas stated and Emerson yawned. "Yeah, barely got sleep," He said, rubbing his eyes softly. "How come?"

"Just stayed up thinking" He answered vaguely.

When Emerson came home from Lucas's house he watched a few movies to try and distract himself from the fact he had confessed.

Sure Lucas wasn't conscious when he confessed but it still felt more real actually saying it aloud.

"What were ya thinking about?" Lucas asked curiously, and Emerson shrugged "Just school, mid exams are coming up and I feel like I haven't been studying enough." Half-truth.

It was true he hadn't been studying a lot since he was mostly hanging out with Lucas almost every day, so he completely forgot about exams coming up in less than a month.

"You're smart, I'm sure you'll be fine. We can study together!" Lucas suggested with a grin. Emerson had wanted to reject the guy but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

"Uh sure. But no fooling around, we're just studying" Emerson said and Lucas nodded, they finally pulled up to the school, Lucas finding an available parking spot.

Leaving the car, Wilson jogged towards them "Hey Lucas and Emerson" Wilson said with a smile, slinging an arm around Lucas's shoulder as a friendly greeting.

"Hi, Wilson!" Lucas said with a smile, wrapping one arm around the side of Wilson's waist, both of them walking like that towards the building.

"Hi, uh.." Emerson started but didn't know the guy's name, he couldn't even remember if they were even introduced.

"Wilson, the names Wilson," He said with a smile, and Emerson nodded.

"Dude I have news to tell you" Wilson exclaimed, and Lucas raised an eyebrow "Oh? Do tell" He said curiously.

"Uh, should I go?" Emerson asked, not sure if he was even allowed to hear the conversation. Considering it might be nosy of him.

"No! I don't mind you heading, besides you don't seem like the type to run your mouth, so you can stay!" Wilson said and Emerson nodded.

"Alright anyway so I haven't told you but I'm bisexual! You need to know so I can tell you the rest." Lucas beamed "Congrats! I'm happy you're able to trust me" Lucas said genuinely, causing Emerson's heart to squeeze in adoration.

"Thank you! Anyways, so I may have a teeny tiny crush" Wilson said, trying to not blush at the thought of his crush. "Oh? Who is it?" Lucas asked, his tone dripping with curiosity.

"It's Cameron, I don't think you know him" Wilson answered, and Lucas thought for a few before his eyes widening in realization.

"Hold up, does he have fluffy hair that basically covers his whole forehead and eyes? Also always sleeping in class?" Lucas asked and Wilson nodded.

"You like someone that's basically the embodiment of lazy?" Wilson rolled his eyes "Shut up, he just lacks stamina and is sleep-deprived" He said and Lucas snorted.

"Right. Well, he's actually cute. Have you talked to him?" Lucas asked and Wilson nodded "We're doing this thing in English class like a biography, I experience what he does for a day and he does what I do, it's actually kinda cool. We get to spend like two days together"

"It does sound cool, but just two days? Not to brag but-" Lucas let go of Wilson, slinging an arm around the Emerson before continuing "Emerson and I hang out like every day"

Wilson rolled his eyes "Yeah because you practically force him to hang out with you" Lucas gasped, before looking over to Emerson.

"Tell him I don't force you," Lucas said and Emerson raised an eyebrow.

"You technically do" He replied monotonously. "Wow, why are you two ganging up on me? What have I done to deserve such cruelty?" Lucas said, clutching his shirt dramatically.

"I'm kidding, at first he did but now I hang out with him willingly, only because I pity him," Emerson said, and Lucas pouted, but he knew Emerson was joking.

Wilson huffed out a laugh "He's funny, I like him. Good one Lucas, he's a keeper, anyways I have to get to class, see ya!" He said, walking a bit more before reaching his class.

Lucas's face was red, while Emerson's wasn't, but the tip of his ears was.

"He just likes to tease me," Lucas said and Emerson nodded "Yeah,"

Both of them walked in silence before Emerson spoke up "Here's my class, see you later" Emerson said, walking to the classroom.

"See ya, Sugar," Lucas said with a smile, and Emerson didn't look back, he just walked towards his desk.

Once he sat down, he sighed, resting his head on the desk. His feelings were increasing, making it harder to keep it from Lucas.

How could people manage to keep a crush a secret, every time he saw Lucas he just wanted to blurt out the fact he liked him.

It was getting harder to keep.

Soon he'll be ready, very soon.

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