chapter 28

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Liu Qiao gave the baby some water was careful this time he after he finished giving her the formula.

Soon the baby began to cry again.

"What? What? I feed you?" He said frantically

But the baby just kept crying he hushing her but still she won't calm down he put her over his shoulder and gently patted her back to calm and soon.


The crying stopped he then looked at her once more.

"Ah I see"

Raising a baby won't be easy, Liu Qiao now released this he then went to bathe the baby then dressed her and put her in the crib.

"Hey little one I'm going go away for a moment I'll be back soon okay" Liu Qiao said

But as soon as he stepped away from the crib she began to cry he hurried to see what's the matter but she quiet downs when he came back, he sighed in relief then leave again and she cried once more.

Liu Qiao figure that this baby will not be quiet unless he was around so it's best to put her to bed, which took a very long while.

After that he immediately took a bath and try to cook but during that time she woke again, making him frustrated he went upstairs akame back to the kitchen to his frustration the food got burned and he had to order in.

It took an hour and he was hungry while she enjoyed her bottle he burped her and she fell asleep within his arms.


"Here's your order sir"

"Thank you"

He paid the man then wave goodbye Liu Qiao hurried and eat because he was afraid he might not have the chance to after all, she wakes too quickly and once his not there she will cry not stop, the doctor said she was a special needs child so he can't even be angry.

And again the baby was crying and he good out of bed over to the crib and pick her up and an awful smell emitted from her she pooped, he changed her diapers then took what seemed like hours to have her fall asleep once more.

And the next 2 hours she awoke again crying he went and checked her diapers then went down stairs with her to make her bottle and sat up tired feeding her then burped her and spend another long time putting her to sleep.

It was the first night and Liu Qiao was already this tired, and soon she began to cry again what was the problem now, she didn't pooped she wasn't hungry then what.

Liu Qiao spend that night trying to coax the child to sleep.

The next morning Liu Qiao made instant coffee as he watched the baby cam too afraid to talk his eyes off it.

After that he got them both prepared then took a taxicab the reason why Liu Qiao couldn't drive because he still has a lingering feeling when driving a car he felt nauseous and couldn't start the car.

Liu Qiao visit Cheng Tao who was still unconscious in the hospital bed.

Liu Qiao visit Cheng Tao who was still unconscious in the hospital bed

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"Cheng Tao please wake up" he begged

He looked to see if there is any sign of Cheng Tao awakening but no there was none he was unmoving as if he were dead.

After it felt like they've spent enough time here Liu Qiao got up to leave and when they almost reached the entrance Liu Qiao met a familiar face.

"Ah, Liu Qiao" the person exclaimed

The person was pregnant it was early stage since the bump wasn't really that huge.

"Gen Ru Han" he said

"So it's really you! It's been years" Gen Ru Han said sadly

Gen Ru Han was really close to him back then but for his safety Liu Qiao cut him off.

Gen Ru Han unlike Ying ye didn't try to fight with Cheng Tao and tried to find some ways to help him, like text book and those things to get him some form of education but one day Cheng Tao found out and attacked Gen Ru Han causing him to sprain an ankle so to protect his friend Liu Qiao cut him off.

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