The Birthday Party

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School went by slowly, which was dreadful. The only interesting thing that happened was in our class about Romeo and Juliet. Edward whispered to Bella about how Vampires can't exactly just commit suicide. How he was so worried about getting to her on time that day 6 months ago, that he contemplated what he would have done if he hadn't. He told her his choice would be to go to Italy and provoke the Volturi. One of the oldest groups of living vampires. He'd expose himself in the sun if they had refused to take his life.

His words got me thinking about Emmett and what his thought process was on it. If he would have done the same thing. It wasn't often we spoke of that day, mostly because neither of us wanted to relive it. It was a horror for both of us in completely different ways. Of course, even though Bella and I had begged them not to. They watched that stupid tape James had made of us. That only terrified both of them even more with the thought of losing us. Which is why Emmett had become even more protective after the incident. That included making sure we were taking every single class together this year. Our schedule's are the exact same. I knew exactly when I planned to confront him about it.

We were sitting in our study hall, not able to work on anything. Since we didn't have anything to work on. We were at our usual table, sitting next to one another in the far corner of the class room, so I knew it was safe to ask my questions without being over heard by other students or faculty members.

"Hey, Emmett?" I called out to him softly.

"What's up, babe?" He smirked at me.

"I know, we kinda had a silent mutual agreement not to talk about the details of the 'incident'. But I was wondering if we could talk about it..." I asked him quietly. He stiffened for a moment before sitting up in his chair and leaning on the table closer towards me.

"Well, what do you want to talk about?" He asked curiously.

"Well, I know you heard. Edward's story in literature class today. That's what I wanted to know about. I want to know what your thought process was before you got to me. What it was like during and even after. We've been together for 7 months now and never discussed the possibility of death and what that would mean for us. Given it's pretty obvious, it's a common reoccurring theme in our life." I shrugged and watched him carefully.

He adjusted himself in his seat again.

    "I was terrified to lose you. I was even more upset when I arrived and I thought I had failed to protect you. Sure after some reassurances from other's I've been able to cope with it. But I still blame myself everyday... Specially when you had on that cast. It was like a constant reminder of what happened. How I failed to keep my promise to keep you safe." He paused and thought for a moment. "I'd like to think given whatever situation we ended up in. I'd have to have see it myself to know for sure, for it to be true. You know, if you really were dead. And if you were, I'd probably consider it. There's no point to my existence without having you in it." Emmett grabbed my hand and held it gently.

"I've told you a hundred times and I'll tell you again. You saved my life that day."I reassured him. "But, given that my choice is to remain human. That's pretty dangerous... I mean, there's always the possibility of a tomorrow without me and if something doesn't kill me first, then age will. What happens then? Are you really willing to go through life with me like that? Have a relationship with me like that? I'd be 80 years old and look like a wrinkly old napkin and you'd still be... well hot. For all of eternity." I chuckled.

"(Y/n) (Y/m/n) Swan, I plan on loving you for all of Eternity. Wrinkles and all if that's what you choose. I told you before, I'd love you human or vampire. And if there's an afterlife for our kind I'd still love you then too." He sweetly kissed my hand. I blushed at his gesture.

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