The Meadow

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I tried calling Jake the next day only to get Billy Black. I grew more and more concerned as more day's passed by. I had left several voicemails for him on his cell.

    "Jake, your dad says you have mono. He won't let me visit, but would you call me?"

I could feel myself becoming depressed once again. It's only been a week. Being ignored hurt. It reminded me of the day he left. He couldn't even look at me... I knew my sister and Dad were becoming concerned about me again.

    "Hey. It's me... Again... I just... I'm sorry about what I said at the theater. I just wanted to hear your voice, so no pressure."

    "Jacob, please... Call me." I left the last voicemail and hung up my phone. I threw my head into my arm's that were crossed laying at the kitchen table. Bella sat next to me rubbing my back.

    "Okay. We should be back around three." Dad said packing up his fishing gear, with Harry Clearwater. He saw me laying my head on the table and sighed. He walked over and placed a hand against my back, making me look up at him. "Hey, look, I don't have to go fishing today." He said quietly to me trying to cheer me up.

    "Yes, you do." Harry cut in gruffly, but a smile graced his face. He was a little older than Charlie but one of his very best friends.

    "Yeah, you do. Go." I gave him a weak smile.

    "Just be careful." Bella added with a smile grabbing my hand. He looked at us and smiled seeing that we were together and I'd be fine.

    "Always am." He grinned.

    "Those bears won't get the drop on me, girl's. My Kung Fu is strong." Harry joked, making us both laugh.

Dad and Harry left the house and we sat there at the table for a minute.

    "Maybe we should go see him?" Bella suggested, breaking the silence.

    "He clearly doesn't want to see me, Bells. He's ignoring me. Pretty sure that's a tell tale sign. I mean, I know I kinda rejected him, but I don't even know what I did." I groaned and leaned back in my chair, covering my face with my hand's.

    "No. You're not doing this to yourself. You're a bright, beautiful woman, who deserves an explanation. If he's really sick then fine, you get your answer. If not you find out what's going on. Either way you can't let this destroy you okay? I won't let that happen to you again." She looked at me like a loving mother to her child. I shook my head and stood up.

    "Fine. I do deserve an explanation... this time." I mumble.

It was pouring outside, so we climbed into the truck and drove off towards La Push. I would have taken the Bike, seeing that Dad reluctantly let me keep it. But the weather was just not good for it.

We pulled into the driveway and Bella glanced at me uneasily. Jacob, who was supposedly 'sick' was up walking around in the rain, in nothing but a pair of short's and sneaker's. He was shirtless and to top it all off, he had cut his long dark brown hair and got a tattoo. I could sense Bella's anger when she noticed the tattoo. We both knew exactly what that meant.

    "I'll wait here. And I'll step in if you need me." Bella assured me. I nodded climbing out of the truck.

Jacob didn't even stop as we pulled in. Just continued to walk away without even looking at me.

    "Jake!" I shouted. I was already soaked to the bone the moment I stepped out of the truck. He stopped in his track's and turned around reluctantly. "Hey!" I called out again as I got closer and we stood about 4 feet from each other. "You cut your hair off?" Was the first thing out of my mouth. He gave me a seriously look and I continued. "And a tattoo?"

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