J. Jenks

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That night Emmett and I took Emalie home. I put her in her new bed, seeing as she was the size of a near six year old now. Her crib was gone, replaced with a large twin sized bed. I laid her down and climbed in next to her, opening up the Shakespeare book we'd started and I read to her. Slowly her eyes closed.

    "There's sweet music here that softer falls than petals from blown roses on the grass. Or night dews on still waters between walls of shadowy granite in a gleaming pass. Music that brings sweet sleep down from the blissful skies." I finished the reading and looked down seeing her asleep.

I smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear, picked up the book and turned her light off climbing off the bed.

    "Mom?" She said as I tried to leave her bed. I hummed back to her in response. "Did Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper run away because we're gonna die?" She asked looking up to me with a worried face. Tears threatening to spill. It broke my heart. We had tried so hard to keep her at a safe distance from the adult information, but she's much to smart for her own good.

    "No, baby. I-I think they left to keep us safer. That's what all these other people are here for, too. I will never let anyone hurt you." I leaned forward and kissed her forehead as she smiled at me. I pulled her close and cuddled her shushing her back to sleep.

When she was fully out, I snuck from her bed and made my way into the living room. When Alice left I had smelled her scent in my home. I followed the very faint lingering scent to the bookshelf and I searched for the book I knew she had taken the page from. Emmett walked into the room and I stopped what I was doing. I walked to the couch and sat down, him following and coming over next to me.

    "You know, after today. It's strange I feel like I could demolish a tank. Mentally? I feel drained." I sighed and leaned into his arms.

He stroked his fingers up and down my arm and moved my hair from my face.

    "How about a relaxing bath?" Emmett said and began kissing my body and slowly tried to unbutton my shirt. I think our versions of a relaxing bath at this minute were very different. I chuckled.

    "I do know how to undress myself you know."

    "Yeah, but I just do it so much better." He chuckled and pecked my lips. "You know." He sat back and looked at me seriously. "You really did amazing today. You surprise me more and more everyday, and I've never thanked you for giving me something to fight for. Our family."

He pressed his lips to mine and we kissed for a minute before he pulled away to go start the water.

I quickly got up and walked to the book shelf finding the Merchant of Venice and pulling it out.

Destroy this. The book said. J. Jenk's, Seattle.

Alice made sure only I would get the message since my mind was safe from Aro. I tossed the book in the fire just as Emmett walked back into the room. Luckily he hadn't noticed. I walked to him so we could enjoy our bath.

The next day, I gave Bella a knowing look and she tilted her head at me. I told her we were going to drop Jacob and Emalie off at Dad's and I needed her to come with me.

    "I'm honestly surprised, you took a break from Jedi training." Jacob said sitting the the passenger seat of my own Jeep that Emmett insisted on getting for me.

    "Well, Dad's been wanting to see Emalie, and I knew if we didn't go soon he'd come to the house. And he can't do that." I explained. "28 Vampires, one human. Not so great." I whispered.

    "I know that's what you told Emmett..." Jacob looked between Bella and I. "I know you, (Y/n)." He said softly. I didn't answer only watched the road as I drove. Jacob huffed slightly and crossed his arms. "Whatever. I'm just glad to be away from all those reeking bloodsuckers." He caught himself at the last second, Bella and I both glaring at him. Emalie in the back seat frowned. "I'm sorry. I know. They're the good guys. But come on, Dracula one and two are... creepy." Jacob's eyes widened with a smile and we all began to laugh.

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