Jake, You're Really Hot

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"I did see something in the woods." Angela argued, the next day at school during our lunch period.

"Totally. Baby, I believe you." Eric said to his girlfriend.

"No he doesn't. He just trying to get lucky." Jess retorted making Eric laugh.

Bella and I made our way to our usual empty table. But she pulled on my sleeve stopping me from sitting down.

"Maybe we should, try sitting over there." She said quietly.

"But..." I looked sadly at the seats we used to sit in. My chair next to his... I could feel myself starting to tear up. I knew I shouldn't let him have this much control over me still. I mean, it's been 5 months...

"It's okay. I know it's hard to let go... Just because we don't sit here doesn't mean you have to. I know I wasn't really there for you at the beginning of all this. I was so... Consumed by my own suffering I didn't even think of your's. But I'm here for you now. So trust me on this...." She spoke happily toward's me. I nodded at her and wiped away the couple of tears, I had let fall.

We walked over towards their table.

"No, okay. It was jet black and huge. On all four's it was still taller than a person. A bear, maybe?" Angela continued on their conversation trying to convince her friends of what she'd see. Of course, it had caught our interest.

"Or an alien. You're lucky you didnt get probed." Mike joked.

"Oh, yeah." Eric laughed along with his friend. Bella took a seat next to Mike and I sat quietly next to Jess.

"Well, I saw it." Angela argued.

"You're not the only one, you know." Bella cleared her throat. "Our dad's been getting reports at the station."

"Like, five hikers have been killed by some bear, but they can't find the bear." I said quietly.

Everyone but Angela looked at me a bit awkwardly. Eric laughed nervously as Angela glared at him with a I-told-you-so look.

"Last time you clown's doubt my girlfriend." Eric made a sad attempt to redeem himself.

"Uhm..." Mike cleared his throat. He looked between me and Bella, giving her a dashing smile. "So, I mean. The Swan twins are back?"

"Yeah, I guess so." I nodded my head awkwardly.

"All right, that's... well, welcome." He said to me before turning his attention to Bella. "Uhm, so listen, you know, now that your sister is back and you know, talking, uh...I was just wondering if you wanted too see a movie with me." He asked her nervously. Bella looked at him a bit uncomfortable.

"Uh, yeah, sure." She began to nod to herself. "Yeah I do."

Very convincing Bells. I thought and chuckled quietly under my breath.

"Cool, um... Let me see, we could check out, uhm Love Spelled Backwards Is Love. You know, it's a dumb title, but it's a romantic comedy. It's it's supposed to be..." He stuttered so nervously around her.

"No." She firmly said before changing her tone to a softer one. "No romance, uh... How about Face Punch? Have you heard about that?"

"I mean, that's an action movie."

"Yeah, it's perfect. Um, guns, adrenaline." I could hear Jess scoff next to me. "That's my thing... We should get a bunch of people to go." Bella said quickly. "Do you guys want to go see... Face Punch?" Bella looked around the table.

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