Second Half Of The Honeymoon

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(Y/n)'s POV.
Emmett and two tacuna tribe members from the island, walked up to the house the next morning.

    "(Y/n), these are our housekeepers, Gustavo and Kaure. This is my wife, (Y/n)." Emmett introduced us and then introduced me to them in Spanish.

    "Excuse me." Gustavo excused himself nervously. The woman watched us carefully and then followed behind the man.

    "Well, I guess we just leave them to it." Emmett laughed wrapping his arms around my waist. We both knew what they would see when they walked into the bedroom making us laugh.

    "So what was that all about? They seemed very... Nervous." I pointed out as we took a seat on the comfortable couch cuddling up close.

    "She's afraid for you." Emmett shook his head with a smile.


    "Because I have you hear all alone." He smirked and got closer to me stroking his hand along my thigh.

    "You mean she knows about you?" I asked surprised.

    "She suspects. She's native Ticuna. They have legends about blood-drinking demons who prey on beautiful women." He leaned in and began kissing me. We smiled into the kiss getting a little to close for the woman appearing in the doorway.
She spoke something in Spanish startling us both, breaking us apart quickly.

    "Hey." Gustavo said as he carried away the very broken headboard, the woman quickly leaving the room with him. Making both of us start to chuckle.

That night I fell asleep in the newly cleaned room, cuddled up with a blanket. I had some what of a headache, and I knew I needed to sleep it off. When I awoke the next morning, I was still laying alone in the bed. I was starving so I got up and walked to the kitchen to find there was a note on the counter.

I've gone to the mainland to hunt, be back before you wake. -Emmett.

    "You're late." I chuckled quietly and went to the fridge to see what I could make myself. I took quick notice of the wrapped raw chicken and pulled it out to cook it.

I grabbed a frying pan and started it up, tossed some oil in and then the chicken. The smell that wafted around in the air was mouth watering. But I was still so hungry. As the chicken cooked I enjoyed a yogurt, then some fruit, then I began to eat peanut butter with a spoon. I plated the chicken and peeled it apart with my hands, eating three whole pieces very quickly. On the last piece I peeled away some of the chicken from the bone to see a little bit of a left over blood vessel. The site made my stomach churn. I knew it wasn't just nausea, and I was for sure going to be sick.

I booked it through the house and to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet in time before spilling my guts out of my mouth. I threw up several times, before suddenly hearing someone behind me.

    "(Y/n)?" Emmett asked through the door.

    "Hey, don't come in here." I flushed the toilet and then sat on top of it with my head in my hands. "You don't need to see this."

Emmett walked in anyways and kneeled down in front of me.

    "In sickness and in health remember?" He smiled softly.

    "It must have been the chicken. Maybe I didn't cook it well enough... Could you grab my bag?" I pointed to the one on the bathroom sink. Emmett grabbed it and handed it to me. I opened it and looked inside for maybe some medicine I could take. Instead I was greeted with the site of tampons, I had yet to use while we'd been here. I furrowed my eyebrows, staring into the bag.

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