The Reservation

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3rd person POV
While the girl's had traveled to sunny Florida, along with their boyfriend's. The rest of the Cullen family stood in the middle of the dark woods. Positioned and waiting for whatever was coming. Alice had seen a vision finally after months of trying too track Victoria's whereabouts.

    "Are you sure this is where you saw her?" Carlisle asked his daughter.

    "She's almost here." Alice focused solely on her vision.

They all waited silently, in the wooded area for any sign of her.

    "On your left!" Alice shouted. The family went speeding off, chasing the red headed woman through the forest. Attempting to stop her on Cullen territory.

Rosalie, Henry, Jasper, Alice, Esme and Carlisle, jump, run, climb as fast as they each can to get to her. Henry pushed himself as fast as he could, with his wife right on his tail. He simply couldn't let her get away, not when this woman was a threat to his family. He reached out a hand to grab her as he inched his way closer, but Victoria reacted faster. She grabbed his hand and flung him over her flying into the side of a tree.

    "Ugh!" He groaned at the impact. This only made him angrier and more determined.

Victoria successfully jumped over the river crossing into Quileute lands. Carlisle put a hand out to stop his family from continuing any further.

    "Wait! She's in their territory."

    "She'll get away!" Esme shouted as they ran along their side to keep up with her.

The Quileute pack of wolves came out running chasing the red headed vampire snapping their massive jaws in attempts to reach her and take her down.

    "No, she won't!" Jasper yelled.

Victoria turned frightened at the site of the large wolves and continued on her trek forward through the wood. A large silvery wolf was right on her tail, soon to catch up with her if she wasn't careful. Victoria jumped the river bed again, entering back onto Cullen territory. Henry and Jasper were freshly caught up just behind her, so close to achieving their goal and ridding them of this mess.

Victoria jumped into the trees and crossed paths with Jasper only for him to just barely miss her, by literal inches. The family kept running after her pushing themselves hard. Henry gained his momentum again as Victoria crossed the river one final time.

    "Henry, no!" Rosalie shouted at him realizing he was too focused on getting her that he wasn't paying attention to the boundary lines.

When Henry Cullen jumped over the river he was greeted with an unfriendly tackle from a large silver wolf throwing him to the ground. The wolf was otherwise known as Paul Lahote. He snapped at him and snarled loudly. Henry stood up in the river on their side and took a threatening pose, letting out loud growls from within himself. The Cullen family stood above and watched at the interaction. Unfortunately causing them all including the other wolves to lose their focus on Victoria and thus letting her get away.

(Y/n)'s POV
Bella, Edward, Emmett and I got back from visiting my mother. It was nice while it lasted. Like a final sad goodbye, she had no idea was coming to her. That following Monday, Emmett and I pulled up to the school in the Jeep. We climbed out and walked towards the school joined by Bella and Edward. We were making small talk when I noticed the boys stiffen their already pale, cold, stiff bodies.

    "Hey, why don't you guys run inside and we'll catch up. Just got to talk to Edward." Emmett suggested pushing both of us forward.

    "Okay, normally I wouldn't object but why are you being weird?" I questioned his actions, but Bella quickly grabbed my arm.

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