08.{The stupid fight} p2.

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{Ethan's pov} *a couple of hours later*

El i just taking a showe when damiano calls me

'Hey dam..'

'Hi is eleanor there???'

'No she is taking a shower why??'

'I wanna talk to her..can you tell her to call me back??'

'Yea i will dam..'



'Is she really mad at me???'

'No not anymore.. but she was very upset last night and this moring she trew up three times..again and she almost cried all night..'

'Oh my god.. i really messed it up didn't i??'

'Well i wouldn't say that but..'

'Ughh can you just tell her to call me back??'

'Yes i'll.. bye damiano..'


*and he hangs up*

~after some time~ ~at damiano's house~

{Damiano's pov} *down stairs*

Eleanor is finally home.. but she doesn't want to talk to me.. and i an starting to feel like sh!t cause i didn't knew that i messed it up like.. i really messed it up..

'Babe please talk to me..'


'Come on.. i love you babe..'

'Damiano.. i am going to the doctor tomorrow.. i am not keeping the baby.. if you don't want it then me neither.....'

'Babe no don't do that.. i want to have a little one with you..'

'No you don't... you made that pretty clear yesterday..'

'Babe i was freaking out.. i just didn't know waht to say or do.. i mean i never felt like this about someone...before this is the first time...'

'That you're really in love??'

'Yeah.... And i if y-..'

*and before he could say anything she kisses him*

'What???does that mean you forgive me??'

*he says while she pulls back*

'I forgive you dami.. but promise me one thing..'

'And that is..'

'That we will never ever fight about stupid tings again..'

'I promise you...we won't...babe'


*she says while she hugs him..*

'I love you babe..'

'I love you damiano..'

~Time skip~ ~8pm~

{Thomas pov}

Me and brianna are laying together on the couch watching brianna's  favorite series gillmore girls she loves that show.. i mean sometimes she is just like rory smart, cute  and beautiful at the same time and so funny...

'Are you still comfy babes??'


*she says while she lays on his chest*

' i love you so much babes..'

' i love you thommy..'



'Can i ask you something??'

'Ofcourze you can thommy...baby..'

'Do you wanna have kids someday?with me??'

'Yeah.. ofcourse i want that thommy..'


'Yeah thommy i would love to have a little boy or girl with you...'

'You mean a mini me or mini you..'

'Ahahah yeah..'


'Nothing it sounds cute thommy..'

'Okay okay...'

*he says while blushes really hard*



'Oh come on! You deserve better then that boy!!'

'Really?!!Oh come on like you are better than him?'

'Yes i am.. i can make you happier... i am serious..'

'No you're not and i know you're lying...'

'How do you know???'

'Cause of that look in your eyes you loser..'

'Okay so now i am a loser???'

'Yea you are...'

'Oh come on eleanor'

'Ughh!!  Stefano  just let it go!!! We're not together anymore!'

'El i know you still have feellings for me..'

'No i don't! Just ughhh can i leave now???'

'Yes you can...but can i ca-..'

'No!! Nobody needs to know what happend okay?escpecially damiano..'


{end of the flashback}


Ehehehe okayy another chapterr! Enjoy!! See youu soonn😏😘😘

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