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{Eleanor's pov} *the next day*

Ughh!! Why is my phone buzzing?!! Ughh.. let's see who's calling so freaking early?!... Huh?? Brianna?? What the...


'I am pregnant!..'

'Woahh bri slow down.. what???'

'I am preg-..'

'Yeah i heard you the first time...'

'I am freaking out... right now el.. i don't know what to do.. or how to tell thomas... i mean.. i know he would be happy but...'

'But?? Bri he loves you.. why would he get mad???'

'I don't know.. but i don't know how to tell him.. i am freaking out!!..'

'Shh bri.. please can you stop screaming..'


'It's okay do you want me to come over today to help you with things???'

'No.. uhhm maybe yeah that would be nice..'

'Okay.. do you want vic to come to?? Cause she-..'

'Yes.. please..'

'Okay.. i'll call her..okay?? Now don't freak out bri.. this is going to be the most wonderfull time of your life trust me..'

'Wonderfull???.. i just trew up.. again..'

'Bri!.. gross..'

'You know whats gross?? You and damiano making out...'


'Hahaha what it's true..'

'Mhh.. n-No it isn't .. stop!!'


'No-nothing damiano is.. kissing me... and he won't mhh.. stop!'

'Okayy this is getting to gross.. see ya..'


*and she hangs up*



*he says with a big smirk on his face*

'Why did you do that??!'

'Cause i love you??'


'What is it now???'

'Nothing.. just don't kiss my neck when i am on the phone with bri ... okay??'

'Okayy...okay.. i am sorry..'

'So you won't do it again??'

'I won't..'

*and he kisses her neck again*

'Dami-damiano..! You pr-promised me something..'

'Did i??..'

*and he contiues..* *you know what happens now*

~later that day~ ~at thomas his house~

{Brianna's pov}

'El that's not helping!!... i am freaking out!!'

'Bri stay calm okay?? El is just try-..'


'Bri calm down please el is just trying to help you okay??'

'I know i know..'

'Okay so what you need to do is just stay calm stress is not good for you now and second you have to telk thomas..'

'yeah yeah.. okay okay.. i get it..... i have to tell him but how??? I mean we're not th-..'

'Bri he loves you.. he will be happy trust me..'

'Vic.. i don't know..'

'Bri i've known thomas for a very long time and i just know he will be very happy when you tell him.. cause he loves kids..'


'Yeah when el was here the other day he told me on the phone how much he loved leonardo..'

'Aww.. yeah he told me that..'



'So You don't have to worry okay??'

'Yeah i mean if you say so.. vic.. thanks..'

'No problem bri..'

*little did they know that thomas was listening the whole time they were down stairs in the living room*

~time skip~ ~11pm~

{Thomas pov}

Me and brianna just got upstairs and were about to go to bed when she runs back to the bathroom



'Is there something you need to tell me???'

'No..??? Not that i know of???'

'When why didn't you tell me you were pregnant???'

'Thomas i-...'

'Bri you were already throwing up and you were late.. i mean... i kinda already knew it... but still it would've been nice if i was there to see the test..'

'Yea i mean uhh i did it by myself when you were at the studio... and uhm.. yeah i freaked out...'

'Babe.. you know i love you .. and you also know that i lobe childeren..'


'babe.. i am so happy...'

'Thomas... can we please talk about this in the moring???'

Ouchhh.. that hurts...

'Y-yeah.. sure...'

*and they go back to bed*


Ohhh noo🙈🙈🙈 ohh noo🙈 ....

Well okayy enjoy this chapter 😘 and see youu 😘😘😘

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