22.{a trip to LA } p2.

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{Eleanor's pov}


'huh??oh hey babe'

'can we talk??.. caus i wanna tell you something'

'Yea sure..'

'Uhh dami i think uhm i am pregnant..'

'What??? Is that why you felt sick tonight?'

'Yeah i think so.. i mean i have to take test to be sure but.. i am already throwing up.. and i feel sick most of the time but..'


'Nothing.. it's just that we just had leonardo..and i don't know if you-.. i mean i wa-.'



'i would love to have another little one with you.. but..'

'Andd there is the but..'


'No! If you don't want this then i am ta-...'

'No.. what i am trying to say is that-..'

'I've heard enough...'

'Hey i am back with the-.. what's going on???'

*vic says while she walks into damiano's room*

'Nothing.. damiano just told me he don't want another child...'

*and she walks out and slams the door*

'Wow.. okay she is mad at you but why??'

'Why?? I really want to have another child but.. i am happy with how things are..'

'Damiano sometimes i don't understand you like do you even love eleanor??'

'I do vic but it's just that .. i didn't expect her to be pregnant..'

'Well she doesn't know for sure hut still you could've been more supportive dam..'

'I know knoww..'


'No i am not going to talk to her'

~mean while down stairs~

{Ethan's pov}

Eleanor just came down stairs crying very hard and she started to panic so now i am sitting on the couch next to her while her head is laying on my chest while i hold her in my arms

'are you okay??'

'Yes.. i am fine ethan thanks for listining by the way'

'No problem el you know i am always here for you'

'i know ethan.. thanks'

'Oh i love birds..'

'Thomas! Stop making that joke! Ethan and i are just friends'

'Yeah exactly thomas..'

'Sorry sorry... please don't hurt me..'

'Haha we won't..'

'Oh hey.. el.. are you okay??'

'Oh hi bri.. how was the movie by the way??'

'Uhhh we didn't see much caue uhm..'

'Bri!! Gross!'

'Sorry but you asked..'

*she says while she takes her jacket off*

'babe shall we go upstairs uhm so uhm.. we uhm..'

'Be safe!!'

'El!! I swear if you say that one more time!!'

'Ahahaha sorry bri'

*and they go upstairs*

~time skip~ ~11pm~

{eleanor's pov}

Okay.. omgg i can't looook...  is it al-... ughhh it's eleven pm and damiano is already asleep and the others to soo got  out of bed and took the pregancy test in the bathroom..and  now i am stil waiting for like almost 10mintues now.. ughh okay...  here goes nothing...

*and she takes the test into her hands*

OMG i am pregnant!!..omggg... i am having another baby...omggg....

'Babe???why are you up??'

Shiitt damiano

'Uhh i couldn't sleep sorry.. i turned the lights on.. uhmm'

*and she hides the pregancy test behind her back*

'What's that??'


'Amore it's not nothing.. is that the pregancy test??'


'Amore.. did you??'

'Yes.. but it's negative sooo i am not pregnant.. happy now..'

*and she throws into the trash can*

'Babee.. i know you when you're lying..'

'Dami i am not lying.. am not pregant end of story'


'Dami as i said i am not pregnant.. i am going back to bed now goodnight'

*and she is about to walk out if the bathroom when damiano grabs her hand*

'Hey hey.. el i know you're lying to me..'

'i am not lying dami..'


'So now you don't trust me??'

'Babe come on just tell me okay..'

'Ughh fine the test was postive..'

'I knew it...'

'So ? Now you know.. happy?'

'Yes... i  could't be more happier babe...'

'You should've said that before you said you didn't wanted another child'

*and she slams the door*


Ohhh nooo... ohhh noo...😅🙈

Okayy another chapter 👀 hope you like it! See youu next timee😘😘😘

this is the life {Damiano david} ❤️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora