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*at thomas his house* *11am*

{eleanor's pov}

I just arrived at thomas his house and i am soo glad he found my dami.. i mean i was very very worried..

'Is he upstairs???.. is he awake??'

'No he is still sleeping..'

'Okay.. but can i go check on him ??'

'Yeah ofcourse.. eleanor..'

'Okay.. and thank you again so muchh thom i was very worried about him all night.. i didn't sleep..'

'No problem eleanor.. that's what friends are for..'

'Yeah.. wait uhm where is brianna??'

'Oh she is out with vic.. why??'

'Oh nothing.. just asking..'

*and she goes upstairs* *in thomas his bedroom*

Omg.. my love... i missed him.. i am so glad that he's okay.. i mean i was freaking out last night..

'Hm.. th-el??'


*and she sits on the bed*

'What are you doing here??'

'Thomas called me..  i was so worried dami.. i almost called everyone i knew.. i didn't even sleep last night..'

'El i am sorry.. but this..'

'Dami you don't have to say sorry.. just please promise me that you'll never do this again?'

'Babe.. i can't do this..'

'Do What???'

'Us.. i mean most of the time we're fighting.. and i just.. can't handle it anymore..'

'B-but.. we can work this out.. i mea-..'

'No buts.. i am breaking up with you eleanor.. i am sorry..'

*and she gets tears in her eyes and starts to cry*

'Da-dami please tell me just one thing.. what did i do..'

'Nothing.. you did nothing it's just.. we don't work eleanor..'

'How can you say that?!.. after everything we've been trough... i mean.. did you remember what we promised eacohter that we would never get into a stupid fight ever again..'

'I know.. but i am breaking that promise..now'

'D-dami you can't do this..  i am pregnant.. with your baby..'

'i don't care..'

'Damiano how can you be so cold?!!... did even love me??!!'


'Did you?!!'


'Did you ?!!!!'


'damiano i sw-..'



*and she cries even  harder and she goes down stairs*

{thomas pov}

I am down stairs just watching something on tv when el comes down stairs very upset with tears running down her cheeks

'Hey.. what's wrong??? Hey hey.. el talk to me..'

*and he walks up to her*

'Hey what's wrong??? Why are you crying??'

'D-d-damiano just broke up with m-me..'

*she stutters while the tears stream down her face*

'Why???why did he broke up with you???'

'h-he said that we don't work and.. that he didn't love m-me...'

'Omg el jesus.. come here you..'

*and he hugs her while he places his hand on her back to calm her down*

'Shh.. el it's okay..'

'N-no it's not...'

'shh hey look at me.. el i think you should call ethan.. you guys are close right?? Or maybe you can wait for bri to come home??'

'n-no.. i wanna go..home.. i don't wanna be here right now i am sorry'

'It's alright el.. i get it'

*and he lets her go out of the hug*

'You go home .. and text me when you're there okay??'

'I'll thom thank you..'

*and she leaves*


'Bro stop shouting pleasee my head hurts..'

*he says while he comes down stairs*

'Why in the world would you break up with eleanor?!'

'i just.. couldn't handle it anymore okay.. i am better off without her.. i mean she was no good to me at all..'

'Bro come on you loved her?! How could you say something like that'

'I didn't just prented to love her..'

'Bro i don't belive you...'


~time skip~ *at ethan's house* *10pm*  *in his bedroom*

{ethan's pov}

'Do you need anything else eleanor??'

'No i am good... edgar thanks for letting me stay here'

'Oh no problem el but can you please tell me what happend??'

*he says while he sits on the bed*

'i don't wanna talk about it..'

'El as you friend.. i care about you.. and you can talk to me about things..'

'I know.. but.. '

'No buts.. el now tell me what happend'

'Okayy... well we got into a stupid fight and he went out all night and then thomas found him.. and after that i went to his house and... he told me that we... couldn't work anymore... a-..'

'El.. what did he say??'

'That he didn't loved me .... At all...'

'Omgg.. that's.. like very messed up..'

'Yeah i know... but i didn't tell him about that we kissed so.. that secret is safe..'

'well yeah that's safe but..'

'But what???'

'Like i just can't belive that damiano broke up with you.. i mean you're pregnant with his baby and he just...'

'I know... ethan..'

'Well uhm..'


'Just uhm don't move...'

*and he comes closer to her and he leans into kiss her and she kisses him back*


Ohhh noooo 😩 eleanor what are you doing!?!😩🤦🏻‍♀️ you're soo stupidd ughh

Okayy allright well another chapter, hope you like it and see youu next timee😘😘😘

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