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I wake up to my alarm blaring. I quickly grab my phone and click stop. I then flop over onto my other side and see Harden isn't in his bed. I'm confused at first but then I hear the shower running.

I lazily get up and pull on some shorts and a t-shirt. Right as I pull my t-shirt on, I hear the bathroom door open. I thank every god I can think of that my back is to him because God knows I wouldn't be able to pull my eyes away from his dripping wet torso.

"Why would you shower if you're just going to get sweaty again?" I ask confused and hating the uncomfortable silence. He just shrugs.

"Well, what time does training start?" I ask again trying to break the silence once again.

"We can start whenever. We could train at night if you wanted." He offers.

"No, I like to get it over with in the morning." I shoot back.

"Me too." He smiles, pulling his shirt over his head. After he does that, we head over to the gym, grabbing water in the kitchen. We spend the next two boring hours going over how to dodge punches and assaults.

After I'm covered in sweat we head back to our bedroom. Our bedroom. I don't know how I feel about that.

"Do you mind if I shower first?" I ask quickly.

"Go for it." He replies while raising his eyebrows. I grab some clothes then head into the bathroom. I quickly strip and stop to look in the mirror. My eyes meet my disgusted face.

The scars on my back and upper thighs. Defeated, I get in the shower. I sigh as the comforting water runs over me. The warm water provides solace that I desperately needed.

Who knew something as simple as a shower could be so relaxing? I guess when you go over a year without one, the simple things feel familiar.

Pulling myself from my thoughts I quickly massage my shampoo and conditioner into my head, before rinsing it out. I shut the water off and grab my towel.

After shaking my head off into the towel, I quickly dry my body and put my clothes back on.

"What are supposed to do every day for the next three months?" I ask right as I walk out.

"I don't know. I guess we'll get very acquainted with each other."

"What happens after the three months?" I ask as I get comfortable on my bed.

"Well then the 15 groups go on a mission, and everyone is assigned a role. All around the world. Unfortunately, you're stuck with me. Forever. Miles won't split up the groups after they spent three months together." I slowly nod stunned at the new information.

"What are we going to do the rest of the day?" I all but whine.

"Well, I'm going to shower then we're going to play twenty questions." He smiles before getting up. I can't help but wonder why he acts so cold and mean to everyone but could be so soft and kind to me.

I've heard stories about him when I was in the cellars of his years before the army. Yet, for some reason, I like being around him. I watch as Harden walks out fully dressed and sits on his bed.

"I'll ask you questions first." He tells me.

"What's your middle name?"


"How old are you?"

"19. How old are you?" I shoot back taking a sudden interest.

"21. Did you graduate from high school?"

"Yes, I was put in the cellars the summer after I graduated."

"How did Devin get ahold of you?" He asks with cation.

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