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Three Months Later

"Are you ready angel? Do you have everything packed for after?" Harden asks as I sit up in bed. I show him my bag.

"How long until we need to get ready?" I ask.

"Well, the wedding starts in two hours. So we probably should start getting ready soon."

"Is everything ready?"

"Yes, angel." I nod and lean against him.

"Let's get up," I say grabbing Harden's hand. He gets up and we walk over to the closet. I see our suits hanging.

"Let's shower," I tell him. He nods and we walk to the bathroom. We take a long shower, relaxing under the hot water.

"Here you go," Harden says handing me my suit. After we both dry off, we change into our suits.

"Let's go, we only have an hour," I tell him getting nervous. He smiles and leads me out to the big room in the house. I stick my head in and see a bunch of guests sitting down.

"Let's go angel," Harden says pulling me towards the back room. We walk in and I see Miles, who's going to be Harden's best man, and Luke who's my best man. Luke's the only one I'm remotely close to.

"You guys ready?" Miles asks. We both nod. For the next half hour, we all just chill and talk.

"It's time to go," Luke tells us. We all stand up and walk to the door. Miles and Luke walk out the side doors first. Not wanting anything special, Harden and I casually walk out the side doors.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Harden Jax Black and Sawyer Liam Wilson." I hear the priest start. I tune out what he says as I stare into Harden's eyes lovingly. He smiles at me.

"Do you Sawyer Liam Wilson take Harden Jax Black to be your husband?"

"I do."

"Do you Harden Jax Black take Sawyer Liam Wilson to be your husband?"

"I do," He says with the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you married," The priest says signaling our kiss. We kiss intensely, as everyone claps. We walk out and go straight to where the reception will be held.

After a few minutes, the room starts filling with strangers. Music starts playing loudly. I knew immediately I didn't want a normal reception. I wanted a party. I watch as everyone starts dancing in the dim lights with colors flashing.

"You want to dance?" I ask Harden.

"If you want to angel." I grab his hand and pull him out to the dance floor. After dancing for a little while I go to our table and take a big drink, sweating.

"I'm so tired," I tell Harden who nods in agreement. After a few hours of partying, we leave the reception.

"You know, I think this is very frowned upon," I tell Harden as he pulls me back to our room.

"What do you mean?"

"Leaving our reception early?" We grab our bags and walk out to the truck. Harden quickly drives to Miles airport. By the time we pull up, it's completely dark out. I let Harden guide me through the dark to the plane. We set our bags down and wait as the plane quickly takes off.

"Let's go angel," Harden tells me, grabbing my hand. I watch as he leads us to the back room. We change out of our suits and into comfy clothes.

"Can we go to sleep?" I asked eyeing the big bed.

"Sure babe the flight should be ten hours." I nod and lay down. I can't believe we're going to Paris, I think excitedly. Harden stares down at me intensely.

"I can't believe you are Sawyer Black," He tells me with a smile.

"Me either." He laughs and kisses my lips. We lay in silence for a while, just thinking.

"What's the first thing we're going to do when we get to Paris?" I ask.

"Have sex," He says casually. I roll my eyes.

"I was thinking see the Eiffel Tower." He smiles at my suggestion.

"Harden, we've been through so much together."

"I know angel. And everything I go through; I want to with you." I smile at his cheesiness.

"Ew Harden, that was cringy." He laughs. I feel his hand run up and down my arm, giving me chills. We resume the previous silence. The only thing that could be heard was our steady breathing.

"Harden, tell me about your childhood."

"Okay angel. My mom Diana and my dad Carlos were my best friends going up. I was home-schooled all through high school. My parents died when I was 15, and they were really good friends with Marie and Devin.

Apparently, it was in their will that I stay with them until I turn 18. So I moved to Pegna and stayed there until I turned 18 and enlisted. Then when I hear Devin and Marie died, I resigned from the army to come help Miles with the gang."

"Wait so you didn't grow up in Pegna? Where'd you grow up?" I ask shocked.

"In Los Angeles." I look at him shocked.

"How did I never hear about this?"

"You knew I didn't live with Devin and Marie until I was 15."

"I thought you and your parents lived in Pegna too."

"Yeah, nope Los Angeles." He tells me. I just nod slowly, mind blown.

"Did you ever want to go to college?" I ask him.

"No, I always knew I wanted to enlist, and eventually help Miles with the mafia business." I nod at him understandingly.

"How about you. Did you want to go to university?" He asks.

"I don't think so. But living with my dad and his abuse, I didn't think anything was possible. But now that I'm living this life I don't see how I could possibly want anything else." He smiles.

"You better go to sleep angel, we have a long night ahead of us," He tells me with a smirk.

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