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I wake up to my puffy eyes burning. I look over and see Harden looking down at me. Roughly slam my head against his chest and sigh.

"Life sucks."

"Hell yeah." He says sympathetically.

"Today we have a meeting. Miles has an idea what this is about." He says cautiously not wanting to reopen the wound. I just nod and watch as he gets up from under me.

He walks over and grabs two shirts and some shorts from his dresser before walking over and grabbing some sweats from mine.

"Here." He says sliding his shirt onto me before helping me with the sweatpants. I smile up at him.

"When's the meeting?"

"As soon as we get up." I stand up and say ready. We walk out to the quiet halls Harden leads us to Miles' office.

I think back to when I was first brought up from the cellars, three months ago. How scared I was, but Kyle was there. I feel tears start to well up in my eyes. I blink quickly refusing to let them fall in front of Miles.

"Come in." I hear Miles say after Harden knocks on the large door. He walks in and notices me not moving. He walks a step back and grabs my hand, pulling me behind him.

"Shit, Harden this is a mess," Miles says.

"Where's everyone else?" I ask confused.

"This meeting is just for us," Harden tells me.

"Why am I needed?"

"Well because we think we know who's behind this," Miles says leaving me confused.

"We think your dad's working with the Taylor Mafia. We still need to find him. That's where you two come in. Sawyer, since you know the most about the man, you and Harden will be in charge of tracking him down.

I have things to take care of here. Once you find him, I'll be the one leading the attack. I don't want either of you trying to take him on your own." Miles says, mainly looking at Harden. I watch as Harden nods and then turns to leave.

I quickly follow not wanting to be left with Miles.

"Do you think my dad was behind this?"

"Well, I'm not sure, and neither is Miles. It just makes sense. If he owed money to the Taylor Mafia which we know he did, they might make him do things in exchange for forgiveness.

What your dad doesn't know is that in the mafia, there is no forgiveness." I just stare up at him. I pray to every god I can think of, that my dad didn't switch out the bullets.

"How would he have switched the bullets?"

"I don't know, but that's for us to find out." I look up and nod hesitantly.

"Let's go pack, we leave in an hour for the United States." I follow him quickly back to the room.

"I'm going to shower first," I demand with a sudden change in emotions.

"What if I wanted to?" He asks with a pout.

"Well, I'd say that sucks."

"Wow, you need an attitude adjustment." He tells me with a laugh.

"I'm showering with you."

"Whatever," I say. The shower took longer than it should of thanks to Harden's wondering eyes... and hands. We get out and quickly grab two bags to start packing. I start throwing random things in mine, not bothering to organize or fold anything.

"Where in the US are we going?"

"Probably Missouri, since that's where you lived." I agree and follow him out to his truck.

"Where will we be staying?"

"Miles bought a house for us there." We pack our bags and briskly get started on our short drive to Miles' private airport. As we pull up, I see a smaller airplane waiting. It must be for us because Harden grabs our two bags and start walking towards them.

We walk up the stairs and slide into two of the seats. Harden sets our bags on the floor. We watch as the plane starts barreling down the runway, and I feel us start to hover. I grip the armrest tightly not a fan of the feeling. Harden notices and grabs my hand comfortingly.

Once the seatbelt light shuts off, I quickly undo mine, not liking feeling trapped.

"What happens if we find my dad? What will Miles do to him?"

"Torture him." He says plainly causing me to frown.

"Seriously? The guy killed Kyle and three others yesterday, and you don't like the fact that he'll be killed?" Harden asks me. I look up at him with watery eyes.

"Whatever." He says getting up and walking to the room in the back.

I think to myself, I mean he makes a fair point. The guy is a murderer, he killed my best and only friend. I should want to kill him myself. I do want him dead, there's just a small part of me that will feel bad. Not liking us fighting, I walk back to the bedroom and walk in.

"I'm sorry," I say laying on top of him.

"I do want him dead, he means nothing to me. And you. You mean everything." I feel arms wrap around my back.

"We should watch a movie or something, the plane ride is nine hours."

"Okay," I agree, but then a thought pops into my head.

"How do I not remembering being transported on an airplane when I was first sold?"

"I'm gonna guess he drugged you." He explains as he pulls up a movie on Hulu.

"What do you want to watch?"

"I don't care, you pick." I watch as he scrolls through, reading about different movies. After a few minutes, he settles on another action movie.

"I can't believe you haven't seen every action movie ever made, that's all you watch." I joke. He laughs as the movie starts. Not into the movie, I let my mind wander. What will happen if my dad puts up a fight. My mind starts racing.

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