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'What is happiness?'  I ask myself thinking about my tragic life.

I feel the flashbacks consume me.

"You what?!?" I ask in horror, not being able to comprehend what was just said.

"Sold you. To the kings." He adds with a sadistic smile. I physically feel my face pale as I look at the two big guys in the doorway. Everyone's heard of the Kings, they're the most infamous mafia, and are filthy rich because they're also royalty in some country.

"You better go pack." I hear my dad chuckle in front of me. I feel my eyes begin to sting and I bite my lip, forcing the tears in.

I sit up with a gasp and look around. I take in my familiar surroundings, concrete floor, and metal bars in front of me. I think about the nightmare I've had almost every day for the past year, as I look around at the cell I've called home for the last year.

I haven't felt the warm sun on my skin since the dreaded day I was sold a year ago. They dragged me to the cell and only bring me food every-other-day.

I slide up against the cold wall. I look down at my frail body. For the first time, I don't have any bruises, I'm just skin and bones.

I look at the small window above Kyle's cell across from me. Seeing only darkness, I force my eyes closed, determined to go back to sleep.

I slowly open my eyes and am met with almost pure darkness. I see a sliver of sun sneaking in through the window. I close my eyes and try to imagine I'm somewhere else, anywhere else.

"Sawyer?" I hear a timid voice whisper. I open my eyes and see Kyle pushed up against his cell.

"Yeah?" I respond quietly, not wanting to get caught.

"Some of the other prisoners heard that Devin and Marie were killed yesterday." He tells me referring to the leaders of the King's. I look at him with a face full of shock.

"Does that mean we'll be free?"

"If it's true, then their son Miles would take over. We'd never get that lucky." He laughs at my previous statement. I nod and sit against the wall of my empty cell.

I'm not sure if I'd rather be at home with my dad, here in an empty cell, or sold to another mafia. I think where I'm at is the safest option. At least here I'm not beat.

I spend the whole day doing what I always do, looking around and trying to keep myself busy. This is how the next two days go as well.

I wake up on Thursday morning to a lot of clinking. I stick my head up to the metal bars and look at the entrance.

My eyes meet Miles'. I watch him walk up to the first cell about ten away. He orders a guard to unlock it and I watch him pull the man out and out of the cellar. I feel my stomach drop.

"Where do you think he's taking him?" I ask Kyle fearfully.

"I have no idea." He answers with a little less fear. We watch throughout the day as a few more people get taken every so hour. None have returned. Nighttime rolls around and I watch Kyle try to get comfy on the concrete floor.

We just look at each other through the darkness. I hear rustling around me in the other cells, I doubt anyone can sleep.

The unknown of where everyone is being taken. If we're next. I try to think of better times when I wasn't caged with anything.

I remember back to my childhood before my dad got abusive. All I can remember were big things.

Like going to the fair when I was seven, with my mom and dad. Getting taken to the park, and not having a care in the world. Simpler times.

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