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Two Years Later

"You almost ready Angel?" I hear Harden yell from the bathroom.

"Harden, I swear to god if you keep doing this, I'm going to kill you."

"Do what?" He asks innocently.

"You always act like I'm not ready, and I'm making us late. You're the one that always makes us late." I inform him. He laughs and walks out in ripped jeans, an all-white shirt, and some vans.

I look down at my ripped jeans, vans, and Aeropostale shirt. Deciding I look okay, I follow Harden out to the truck. We get in and Harden starts the car. I grab his hand and put it on my thigh. He looks over and smiles.

"What's wrong?" I ask taking in his tense appearance.

"Nothing angel," He tries to assure me. Still not believing it, I shake it off.

"Where are we going?"

"To a nice seafood restaurant," I nod excitedly. It's not often we go to a nice restaurant. Harden slowly pulls up to a restaurant I've never been to before.

"We've never been here have we?"

"No, we have not."

We walk in, hand in hand.

"Just two?" I hostess confirms. We both nod. She leads us to a booth, and we sit down. After scanning over the menu, we both settle on fish.

"Why's there no one here?" I ask confused. Harden shrugs. Our food comes quickly.

"This is a nice restaurant," I tell Harden as I study the dim lights and candle in the middle of the table.

"It is." We both eat our food slowly, enjoying our time together.

"Happy third-anniversary baby," Harden says as we stand up, kissing my lips.

"Follow me," He says pulling me towards the back of the restaurant.

"The doors up there," I say pointing to the front.

"I know," He says with a smirk. I follow him out the back door and down to a pond.

"It's beautiful," I tell Harden in awe. He smiles.

"I've always loved this pond. When I was younger, before I had to leave with Miles, I'd come here with my mom. I haven't been here in forever though." I smile as he tells me that. I look out at the water, and the way the moon reflects off of the surface. I turn around and freeze. I see Harden down on one knee. I stand with my eyes wide.

"Sawyer, I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. Although it took you a little while to feel the same, I'd wait for you forever. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Like I've said before. You and me. We're end game. Angel, will you marry me?" He asks. I feel the tears falling down my cheeks.

"Of course I'll marry you," I tell him as he stands up. I run into his arms and hug him tightly. When I pull away, he slips the ring on my finger. I look down and admire it.

"I was not expecting this," I tell him out of breath from crying. He laughs.

"That's the idea." We smash our lips together for a long kiss.

"I can't wait for the wedding," I say randomly making him laugh. We walk back to the truck.

"When are we going to have the wedding?" I ask filled with excitement.

"Whenever you want angel," Harden tells me.

"As soon as possible," I tell him. He smiles and grabs my leg with a squeeze.

"Does anyone know you were proposing?" Only Miles. He tells me, I nod. Not that I don't want anyone to know. I'm just not close with anyone, and it's none of their business. We get back to the apartment and sit on the bed together.

"You want to hear something funny?" I ask.

"Sure angel."

"I got you a ring. Not that I was going to propose, I just had it." I walk over to my dresser and pull out a ring box. I hand it to Harden.

"I love it, angel." He says after opening it. He slides it on his finger and admires it.

"God, we're meant for each other." I laugh. We both fall back flat against the bed. I sigh tiredly.

"What're you want to do today?" Harden whispers to me.

"How about we just lay here and talk," I suggest.

"Sounds good," He tells me. I scoot up so I lay above him. I flop on top of him. He groans.

"Can you believe we're engaged?" I ask.

"Doesn't feel real. I've wanted nothing more to make you mine since the day I met you."

"I've always been yours," I tell him as I lightly touch his cheek.

"I say we have our wedding in December, that's only three months away," I say excitedly.

"If that's what you want angel." I smile against his chest. I feel his hand slowly rub my back.

"Was that as casual as you wanted?" Harden asks referring to the proposal.

"Yes, it was," I tell him with a smile. I'm so glad he remembered. I told him I wanted a lowkey engagement. Although I'm usually outgoing, I'm convinced I have social anxiety.

I look up and see Harden's eyes closed and his chest slowly rising and falling. I smile at the calmness of the moment. I sigh feeling at peace. I close my eyes trying to join Harden in sleep but am too excited.

I glance down at my ring and smile. I sigh excitedly. I can't believe I'm engaged to this man. I shake my head with a laugh. I can't believe this is my life. I look up and study Harden's usual hard features that soften when he sleeps.

As I think about Harden, I let myself fall asleep.

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