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After a long night, the wedding rituals were completed. We were provided a room to rest in because Darsh and I both had been fasting since the previous day. Fasting was a prerequisite for the wedding ceremony. The dawn was approaching, and we had no choice but to spend it awake. The bride and groom would stay awake and chat or talk with other family members as part of the "Basor Ghor" tradition. It was a bonding ritual.

"Now you can eat." Mandira, along with my other cousins, walked into the room. Her platter was piled high with various foods. And, after nearly a day of fasting, the plate of food made me feel like throwing up.

"I'll be fine with a glass of water," Darsh spoke out, sounding just as sick as me. His gaze was directed at mine.

"And I'm sure Khushi is good with it as well." He then patted my head gently after spotting my nearly green face.

He is showing his caring side once again? No, Khushi, you need to focus. It's a contract marriage for crying out loud!

Heaving a sigh, I remembered the first time I saw Darsh dressed in the groom's attire. Darsh would have won the award for the finest-looking Indian groom if one existed because he possessed a distinct yet charming appearance on the wedding night. I recalled how all of my cousins and friends were gawking at him. They might be wondering how someone like Darsh could fall for me.

While reminiscing about my wedding day, I drifted off to sleep without realising it.


"Khushi? Get up." I was awakened by a familiar voice.


"Khushi, wake up. It's already morning."

Those calls jolted me awake. "Yeah, I'm up," I muttered, rubbing my eyes.

"Get up." The person was Yami, my school friend.

"Sorry, did I doze off?" I recollected that I needed to stay awake for the ritual.

"Yes, you did," Yami responded when she roused me from my slumber, and I figured I was in my bedroom after a quick glance around.

"Wait. Why am I in my room? I was supposed to be in the guest room with others!" I urged.

"You fell asleep while we were all chatting. Mandira wanted to wake you up, but Darsh resisted."

"Okay? But why am I here?"

"Darsh carried you here and laid you down to rest." I was stunned by Yami's clarification.

Darsh brought me to my room so that I could sleep? What the -?

"I understand now why you fell in love with him," Yami uttered merrily.


"Your husband adores you immensely."

"And when he was bride-carrying you to the bedroom, it looked like a scene from one of Akash's romantic films that we'd seen.

How adorable!" Yami exclaimed enthusiastically, her orbs gleaming with admiration for Darsh. I was able to empathise with her feelings. Darsh was a man who could make a positive impact on people at the first meeting. However, it was the polar opposite for me.

"Khushi, you're so blessed. I wish I could meet someone as nice as Darsh." Yami sat by my side, murmuring stuff. I pondered how she'd react if she found out that our ostensibly romantic wedding was planned skillfully and that everything he'd done up to that point had been a ruse to promote our phoney love affair.

"I guess I'm lucky." With a sneer, I responded.

"You are." She didn't seem to notice my sardonic tone.

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