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◆Darsh's P.O.V.◆

"One drink, I promise.

 To honour your wedding." I could have disregarded Anannya's request, but I didn't. I needed to know her motive behind attending the reception party. Thus, I flung open the door and welcomed her inside.

After getting comfortable on the small couches opposite each other, I poured two glasses of red wine for both of us. 

Her off-shoulder dress charmingly revealed her gorgeous frame. I almost got carried away appreciating her beauty for a second. Fortunately, I remembered that I was already married to Khushi. And our lives could be ruined by a simple blunder. As a result, I turned my view elsewhere.

 "I didn't expect you here." I went directly to the point without wasting any time.

"Not even small talk, huh? You went for the investigation." Holding the glass, Anannya smiled grimly.

"Should I not?" Over the rim of my glass, I cast a glimpse at her.

"Darsh, you've changed so much." Anannya muttered as her face grew gloomy. "I can't even imagine you are the same person who asked me out on a date."

"People change, Anannya."

"But this is so sudden, Darsh! You didn't even give me the time to prepare myself." She grumbled. "You promised we'd spend time together after you finished your business here in Kolkata. 

But then I heard about your unexpected wedding to a girl I'd never heard of before." 

"Why did you come here?" I stuck to my point.

"Because I love you, Darsh! I know it's a contract marriage. I'm willing to wait for you."

"You shouldn't have listened to our conversation."

"Yeah, that way, you could have avoided me forever. Haven't you?"

"What do you expect from a married man?" My response enraged her even more. She shot me a stern look and downed a hefty portion of liquor.

I was about to kick her out when a knock on my door catered to my ears.

"Finish it quickly and get out of here. I'm too tired for this." Before rising from my seat and making my way to the door, I gave the order.

When I opened the door, I spotted Uncle Hemant waiting there.

"The last guest went home, Master Darsh.

 Should I bring dinner?" In a calm voice, he queried.

"There's no need. I'm not hungry." As I stated, my sight was drawn to the opposite door.

"Okay, Master.

 Is there anything else for me to do?"

"Nothing for the time being."

"All right, Master, then I'm retiring." He requested before spinning away. Something inside me suddenly urged me to stop him and ask about Khushi. I remembered seeing her upset last time, and it worried me.

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