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Anannya moved away after finishing her monologue, a cynical grin on her lips. I stood there with an astounded look on my face.

It felt like a hard, humiliating whiplash on my face to wake me up from the remaining dream. My senses swiftly veered towards Darsh, who was already casting us a bemused gaze. Most probably wondering what we were discussing.

Up to that point, I was anxious about whether Darsh would regard me as a partner ever. However, after meeting Anannya, I lost all hope.

A woman who was successful in her career and had the appearance of a goddess. Who would have looked at other women if they had had a companion like Anannya? She embodied everything a man might wish for in a partner.

I finally perceived why Anannya made me feel uncomfortable at first glance.

Why didn't I expect Darsh to have a lover? Why? Why am I always so stupid?

It turned out I was the third wheel in their perfect life.

Every individual has the right to love.

Before the Star Palace incident, they must have been dating. They must have been happy before I emerged into their lives.

Anannya's confession demolished my tiny fairytale world. To Darsh, I was nothing more than a business deal. The subtle information was enough to shut all my contemplation down.

Anannya flashed a crooked smile once again before leaving jovially. And I couldn't do anything except gawk at her elegant, departing frame.

"Are you fine?" Darsh's voice deflected my attention toward him. He still had that icy, placid look in his orbs. His black irises squinted at me as I attempted to respond but failed. Thus, I just nodded my head.

His gaze never strayed from my stature. Perhaps he wasn't satisfied with my answer. Especially after Anannya and I had a clandestine conversation. As a result, he kept staring in anticipation of getting something more out of me. Albeit, my silence soon induced him to look away in muce.

This time, I was curious about the underlying reason for holding the reception in Kolkata instead of Delhi. Was it because he didn't have enough people to celebrate with, or was it because he felt embarrassed to show me out to others? The thought didn't seem entirely incorrect. No one would like to see an ex waitress after meeting a supermodel besides Darsh.


After that incident, I tried to avoid Darsh, except when we had to greet guests together. He also showed no interest in sticking by my side.

As the night proceeded, all of the guests began to depart for their own destinations. My parents and relatives left after their final meeting with me. Uncle Hemant approached me as I stood at a corner, trying to forget about the previous incident. He advised me to return to my room to rest. Darsh was nowhere to be found when I looked around the mostly empty banquet.

"Master Darsh has already returned to his room." He informed me as if he had read my mind while handing me over my room key that he was keeping to himself until then. A sour grin curled across my lips.

With a groan, I made my way to my room as well. I was irritated with myself for expecting Darsh to come to fetch me after the party or simply come up to me and inquire about what was wrong. Ask why I was ignoring him? But then again, he could have been oblivious that I was avoiding him. Alternatively, he could have unseen everything intentionally.

I stood calmly in front of my room, holding the smart card in my hand to open the door. But something stopped me. Something inside me urged me to go to Darsh and satisfy my curiosity. For a split second, it felt like I was assessing Darsh premised on Anannya's words. If they were having an affair, it should have been revealed by Darsh himself, not by a stranger I had just met tonight.

The possibility of everything turning out to be a pack of nonsense spurred my desire to run to Darsh's room and confront him about it. I spun around, gripping the card in my palm, determined to talk it out. And without much thought, I went ahead and knocked on his door.

I anticipated a cold reaction from Darsh, but instead, the door of his suite opened with a little noise, disclosing a nuanced part of the empty, dark living area to me.

Wow! He is so careless! That's how the kidnappers got me into his room! Idiot!

"Should I go in?" I couldn't decide whether or not to go in.

But then I recollected that I was his wife and that I had the authority to enter his room as long as I didn't violate any of the contract's terms. Hence, I ended up going inside eventually.

Sneaking into the suite quietly, Darsh was nowhere to be found in the living area. After having numerous conflicting opinions in my head, I headed for the bedroom, which was a short walk away.

Except for the rectangle of light that filtered inside through the narrow gap between the door and the wall from the aisle outside, the bedroom was pitch black.

"Darsh?" I called but didn't get an answer.

Venturing forward, I scanned for the switches near the bed. Finally, my fingertips came into contact with something I believed were the switches, and I pressed them. Thankfully, the lights came on, brightening the space.

However, I regretted seeking the truth immediately. I wished I hadn't gone into his room or turned on the lights and just returned to my room. Because the scene I saw with my eyes almost choked me breathless.

Darsh, my husband, was soundly sleeping in his bed. Right next to him lied a naked woman, who turned out to be none other than Anannya.

Anannya's exposed collarbones and Darsh's naked shoulders were visible over the white blanket they lied under. And even when the light was turned on, they didn't seem bothered and continued to slumber like the dead.

My stature began to quiver, and I could not really articulate how I felt at the moment. Shock, anguish, or betrayal? I wasn't sure.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I reached for the switches once again. After turning off the lights, I swung around and scurried away from that place as promptly as possible.

I teetered to my room door as my legs felt feeble. Anyhow, clutching the smart card, my shuddering hands reached for the lock. As soon as the door was unlocked, I dashed inside and slammed it shut behind me with a thump. My chest rose and fell at a fast pace as the tears streamed down my cheeks.

Swallowing the knot in my throat, I stood there motionless as the scene from earlier played over and over in my head.

As I couldn't endure the memory anymore, I cloaked my head with my arms. But my head started swirling, and my vision began to get dizzy. My legs caved into the shock abruptly, and my body plopped to the floor.

At this point, it appeared Anannya hadn't lied a word to me.

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