CHAPTER 9: An Uninvited Guest

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◆Darsh's P.O.V.◆

I stood in front of the mirror, appraising my appearance. It was my reception party at the same hotel where some people attempted to trap me in a vicious scandal. I let out a chuckle as I reflected on the snakes who tried to destroy my life and how I used the adversity to my advantage.

Marrying a poor girl out of love not only restored my reputation and business but also enhanced it. Despite my enormous riches, everyone began to regard me as a humble and generous man.

"Thanks to whoever planned it," I smirked and straightened my tie. Although, for a brief moment, it almost got me there. It would have been quite difficult to deal with the issue if I hadn't spoken with my lawyer, Rohan Yadav.

I have to meet him as soon as I get back to Delhi.

I was dressed in a royal blue tuxedo with matching shoes and my favourite wristwatch.

Another brilliant idea of mine was to not allow the media into the party with the excuse of celebrating it discreetly with a few people. It was pleasant not to be bothered by camera flashes or the constant barrage of inquiries for a while.

Uncle Hemant was in charge of the entire celebration arrangements. And it appeared like everything was functioning as planned. However, a sinister feeling lingered in my heart. I didn't know why.


Khushi stood at the entrance as the door opened, allowing me to observe her closely. She was wearing a sea-green lehenga, and no doubt, her beauty emerged even more enticing with all the make-up.

Uncle Hemant did a fantastic job of putting together a team of talented make-up experts. They certainly dressed her up quite nicely.

Khushi, a girl of average build and appearance who materialised in my world out of nowhere, and blew it up intentionally or unintentionally. There was nothing about her appearance that would cause a man like me to fall in love with her and marry her at first sight.

Though, what piqued my interest was her personality. It amused me how she spoke back to me when we first met. A mere poor girl who was working as a waitress did an excellent job of shutting my mouth for the first time.

When she bravely rejected me, claiming she didn't like men like me, I was taken aback for a moment. Hearing her perception was grating, yet I couldn't help but respect her.

I was ecstatic, knowing that Khushi wouldn't have anything for me because we'd be living together for a long time. If she had fallen for me, it would have been troubling to cope with another heartbreak due to my rejection.

Notwithstanding, I was astounded to learn about Khushi's terms for our contract later. When I asked her to notify me about her requirements so that I could add them after assessing them or reject them, she came up with three ridiculous ones.

1. I must treat her parents and family with decency and respect.

2. I ought to protect her family if they are experiencing difficulties.

3. If her parents call us, I must accompany her to her home.

~Few Weeks Back~

"Are these all?" I glanced up at Khushi with astonishment, who was enjoying her grape juice from the seat across mine.

"Yes!" She answered after gulping down the sweet drink in her mouth.

We scheduled a meeting in a restaurant in Kolkata to discuss her terms for our agreement. But what I hadn't anticipated was her imbecilic demands. There was nothing issued relevant to her personal needs.

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