four, stuck with you

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Kendall shielded her eyes from the brightness when she first opened them. When she felt arms on her chest and looked down she was extremely confused for a second, but then she remembered even that happened last night.

Jennifer and Chris insisted the four of them watched a movie after dinner, and somehow the two teenage girls fell asleep, Olivia laying ontop of Kendall.

When she felt Olivia shifting, she let a smirk, which Olivia opened her eyes to, place onto her face. "Morning sunshine."

Olivia's body shot up as she shuddered. "Ew, you cuddled me."

Kendall rolled eyes due to the facts she acted as if they've never done such thing before and it was so suddenly gross. "You cuddled me." She stated before turning on her phone.

Her eyes widened when she saw a mass amount of notifications from her family members.

family first ❤️

Kendall where are you?!

This is not funny!

Come home now.

Answer my calls!

Just let us know you're safe honey. ❤️

step rich
Kendall, we're all worried sick.

Call us (or text us!) when you get the chance.

yeah jeanie and amber haven't
even heard anything which is like

are u kidnapped?

can i have ur vinyls

step rich


hey guys

i take it ur not kidnapped

what gave it away

step rich
Thank god, glad to see you're fine kiddo! 👍

Where exactly are you though?

i'm at salt lake visiting a friend

step rich

That's quite the journey!!!!


This is unacceptable!

What on earth were you thinking?🙄

wait salt lake?

are u staying with liv...


step rich
Uh oh!

I think this situation just got a whole lot worse!!😖

🍊 put a travelling ban for California!

It's just on the news 😥

oh shit

Don't you dare cuss again

And kendall i'm so disappointed in you for just running away!

Now you're stuck there!

I'm calling Jennifer.

This is ridiculous.

Liv read the conversation in the family groupchat over her shoulder. "Didn't you say there would be a flight back to Cali? That you're not stuck?" Olivia quoted everything Kendall yesterday, word for word.

"Just technical difficulties." Kendall stood up and stretched. "Guess this means you're stuck with me until I can go back, yay!" She sarcastically clapped her hands.

Jen came down the stairs with a frown. "Well since you can't go home, you have to stay here with us for a while," She started. "We don't have another room so you'll be sharing with Liv." She carried on causing Liv to let out a groan. "It's just for a few weeks until everything goes back to normal."

"Yay, a few weeks with Kendall." Olivia plastered a fake smile on her face as she was visibly seething.

"Guess I'm stuck with you, Ollie!"

saw a wlw couple holding hands then i was like "shit i need to update owme"

OBSESSED WITH MY EX, olivia rodrigo Where stories live. Discover now