fifteen, when we're sober

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OLIVIA SAT IN her bedroom, staring at her ceiling. Everyone was around the house, playing music, socialising and celebrating the release of sour. Olivia however wanted time to herself. She felt sick and overwhelmed.

She felt bad for isolating herself but she felt nervous about the whole release. She didn't want people to villainise Josh and Kim. She didn't want people to think she was a horrible artist. She didn't want people to attack her for releasing an album on her feelings.

The amount of alcohol in her system didn't help at all but just seemed to intensify her overthinking.

She let out a soft sigh when she heard somebody knock on her door. "Come in." She told whoever was at the door.

The door swung open and there Kendall stood with a large smile on her face. "Hey, rockstar." She shut the door behind her and sat at the edge of her bed.

"Hey." Liv sat up, resting her back against the wall. "I'm glad you came." She sent her a small smile.

"I'm glad I did too," She moved next to the brunette. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Kendall questioned, sensing something wrong with her. 

"I'm scared?" She replied in a questioning tone. "I don't know. What if people don't like it?"

"Most people will. You're so talented and some people aren't stupid enough to ignore that." The blonde grabbed her hand in an attempt of comfort.

Olivia furrowed her eyebrows. "And the people that do ignore it?"

"Fuck them." Kendall shrugged. "Now, you can either stay here, overthink and come out at the party and give one of those speeches because you have to and have a horrible night. Or you can come out now, have fun with the people who do actually care about you and have an amazing night." She stood up and extended her hand for the brunette to grab.

Liv hesitated before taking her hand and walking out of her bedroom. As soon as they stepped out, the pair were separated due to a swarm of Olivia's friends clumping near the girl to congratulate her.

Kendall sighed, leaving Olivia to talk to her friends before joining her own.

With a red cup in her hand, Jeanie wrapped one arm over the slightly younger girl's shoulder. "Nice chat?" She questioned before taking a sip of her drink with her free hand.

Kendall slowly nodded. "Yeah, uh, she came out of her room." She tightly smiled. Honestly, she was a little upset she couldn't spend her full time with Liv. It was selfish but it was true. "Gimme some." She stole the cup from Jeanie, tasting the bitter liquid.

"Easy, girl." Amber chuckled at her chugging.

A few seconds later, somebody's hands covered Kendall's eyes. "Guess who." The familiar voice giggled.

"It wouldn't happen to be Kimberly Grace would it?" Kendall teased, letting a small smirk be placed on her lips.

Kim took her hands off of Kendall's eyes and hugged the other two best friends.

Before she turned to Kendall again, she held up a plastic bag. "You said you wanted me to pick up from Jaden."

Kendall's eyes widened at those words. "Holy shit! You're an actual angel." She took the bag away from her, grinning as she did. "I'm gonna go out to Liv's backyard."

"I'll come with." Kim clung her hand onto Kendall's arm as the pair walked outside. Just as they were leaving Liv glared daggers at the back of their heads.

Olivia walked away from the conversation she was having with Conan and walked over to Jeanie and Amber.

"Why is Kim here?" The harsh tone made Jeanie jump.

"Um, she was Kendall's plus one." Jeanie answered, confused as to why it was a big deal.

Olivia didn't reply and kept her arms crossed, glaring at the glass back door. Amber watched amused. "Don't worry about her, she's jealous." She notified Jeanie.

Olivia flew her hands down and looked at Amber with frustration bubbling through her body. "I told you i'm not jealous!"

"You totally are." Ethan agreed, appearing from literal thin air.

"Where did you even come from?" Liv turned to him in confusion. "You know what, whatever. I'm not jealously."

"Oh, are we talking about how Liv's jealous of Kim?" Madison questioned, as her, Iris and Conan joined the conversation.

Olivia was losing her patience. "I'm not."

"Yeah, sure." Amber sarcastically nodded before the group all engaged in a conversation.

After what felt like forever, even though it was about thirty minutes, Kendall and Amber came back inside, ready to walk up to the two joined friendship groups.

As soon as she was in sight, Olivia grabbed Kendall's hand and dragged her to the bathroom.

Kendall looked at her confused as she sat next to the sink while Olivia locked the door. "If you wanna fuck me just say that." Kendall joked.

"What if I wanted to?" Liv swung her arms around her neck. "Would it be an issue?"

Kendall gulped and shook her head. "No." Once the words came out of her mouth, she smashed her lips onto Olivia's.

The blonde placed her hands on the Rodrigo's hips and pulled their two bodies closer together. After a moment of their lips moving in sync, Olivia pulled their lips apart and travelled to her neck.

Liv kissed up and down her neck but stopped when she found Kendall's sweet spot. When she found it, Kendall whimpered.

"What's Kim to you?" Olivia lifted her lips from her skin and questioned Kendall in a low tone, before kissing her sweet spot again.

"J-Just a friend." Kendall threw her head back in pleasure.

"And what am I?" Liv questioned, kissing down to her collarbone.

The girl thickly swallowed. "Ask me when we're sober."

Before anything else was said or done, a timer went off on Liv's phone. It was two minutes till midnight.

She sighed and walked towards the door. "I gotta go."

Kendall frowned and stood up. She glanced at the marks left on her skin and winced. "Liv." She called out.

Became of the words, Olivia paused in her tracks. "Yes?"

"You're still not a top."

never smut😒

she's not jealous!!!!

OBSESSED WITH MY EX, olivia rodrigo Where stories live. Discover now